16 Years Old 3 Months Lifting

I’m only 155 pounds and 6’1". I have been lifting for just 3 months and noticed some improvements. Of course like everyone, I want more.

Can anyone help me out with a better workout routine and/or a better diet? I am able/do work out every day for about 1-2 hours. I just started using creatine about 3 days ago.

Rate and help me please. Some picures might not post. I have some of my calfs, thighs, back and chest.

In between pictures post…

You should put in some time lifting before posting pictures.

You dont need pictures to get advice.

Critiqueing you would be imposible because everything is underdeveloped.

Sure, I’ll help you. Stop posting pictures and read the articles on this site. Someone else will probably chime in with “Squats and milk” so I’ll just get that out of the way now.

[quote]StevenF wrote:
Someone else will probably chime in with “Squats and milk” [/quote]

Squats and milk

Chin-ups, Eat, deadlifts, eat, rows, eat, eat, squats, eat,

[quote]flipHKD_6 wrote:
help me please. [/quote]

Use sunscreen??

might wanna put deadlifting into your workout routine since you have absolutely no spinal erectors :/.

and eat moar 2 lulz.

was 155lbs and 6’3 when started lifting, all i did was squats ( front & back ) deadlifts, presses, rows, pull ups and paralell dips and ate everything in sight, put on about 20lbs that first year of lifting also no need to lift everyday 3 or 4 days a week is enough for now then when you become more advance move on, imo

Look Bro For 16 years old you have nice shapes and great definition. No one has pro size at 16 so I think your ambition for this sport is respectable. Just work hard, eat well, and hurt yourself like the rest of us.

Well thanks for the advice, your the first posotive comment I’ve gotten. Yeah I’m trying to bulk up so I just need to eat/lift. Thanks.

Besides “albertico” you are just the other person that has given me posotive feedback. Thanks for the compliments, but I have one question. Since I’m trying to gain size in general, I know I need to eat a lot. Do you have any recommendations for what I should eat more of? Ex. protien, meat, etc… Any suggestion?

Read the articles under nutrition and supplements on the left and learn to use the search function. There is a shitload of information available to you. Do some research before asking personalized questions.

That being said, eat 6 meals a day. 3,500 calories, good fats, good protein (egg, turkey, chicken), and complex carbs (oatmeal). Fiber is good and vegetables are your friend. Drink lots of water.

More importantly, read the articles! Seek out and educate yourself!

Make your lower back bigger, please.

[quote]anthropocentric wrote:
Read the articles under nutrition and supplements on the left and learn to use the search function. There is a shitload of information available to you. Do some research before asking personalized questions.

That being said, eat 6 meals a day. 3,500 calories, good fats, good protein (egg, turkey, chicken), and complex carbs (oatmeal). Fiber is good and vegetables are your friend. Drink lots of water.

More importantly, read the articles! Seek out and educate yourself![/quote]

and make sure you have a PWO drink ( Surge )

the easiest thing for me is getting to the gym and lifting heavy weights on a concistent basis, but without a doubt its hard to cook and eat the shear quantity of food that the likes of you and i need.

steak and milkshakes

[quote]Chancho1 wrote:
Look Bro For 16 years old you have nice shapes and great definition. No one has pro size at 16 so I think your ambition for this sport is respectable. Just work hard, eat well, and hurt yourself like the rest of us.[/quote]

You’re very creepy sir. I think everyone agrees with me when I ask you to NOT post creepy pictures of yourself in a “come hither” pose in picture threads of minors.

[quote]Dexter Morgan wrote:
Chancho1 wrote:
Look Bro For 16 years old you have nice shapes and great definition. No one has pro size at 16 so I think your ambition for this sport is respectable. Just work hard, eat well, and hurt yourself like the rest of us.

You’re very creepy sir. I think everyone agrees with me when I ask you to NOT post creepy pictures of yourself in a “come hither” pose in picture threads of minors.[/quote]


[quote]n3wb wrote:
Dexter Morgan wrote:
Chancho1 wrote:
Look Bro For 16 years old you have nice shapes and great definition. No one has pro size at 16 so I think your ambition for this sport is respectable. Just work hard, eat well, and hurt yourself like the rest of us.

You’re very creepy sir. I think everyone agrees with me when I ask you to NOT post creepy pictures of yourself in a “come hither” pose in picture threads of minors.


i second that ha! he got called on that 1 lol

Damb, that sucks.

[quote]Chancho1 wrote:
Damb, that sucks.[/quote]

dont get to down you still have the ppls respect and thats what matters. this was as funny as hell though you gotta admit.