15 Years Old, Be Gentle Please :)

Ok this is me after 2 months weight training,and before that i only did bodyweight exercises,i guess thats why my chest is small… Can anybody give me any tips on building muscle and explosive strength, as I am a kickboxer

chest… i know i have fat abs…but its cause I’m eating a lot to add mass, i didn’t flex the arms…thats why they look small :frowning: … I don’t have the leg pics,but I can tell you that i squat 100 kg 6 times

[quote]StefanSerbia wrote:
chest… i know i have fat abs…but its cause I’m eating a lot to add mass, i didn’t flex the arms…thats why they look small :frowning: … I don’t have the leg pics,but I can tell you that i squat 100 kg 6 times[/quote]

Great progress,100 is good for 6 reps .

100kg for 6 at 15 is pretty damn good. Do extensive searches on this site for all things regarding nutrition and training.

You seem to be well on your way.


You’re going to be a beast in 5 years if you keep up your current pace. Remember to keep on eating, and keep on lifting heavy.

I wish I looked like that at 15.