I’ve finally finished my 12 week trial run of Stronglifts and thought I’d give a review for any others thinking about using it. You can read all about the program on the Stronglifts website so this will be just what it’s done for me.
About me. When I started I was 6’3’’ 230 pounds and 26. I’ve never lifted and was out of shape. I followed the programs advice and started with just the bar on everything. This is hard on the ego but smart because these lifts need to be learned with minimal weight or it’ll suck down the road.
After 12 weeks-
Squat 225 3x5
Deadlift 235 1x5
Bench 135 3x5
OHP 85 3x5
Row 120 3x5
These aren’t my maxs its just where I am now and its way more than I know I could have done 12 weeks ago. OHP is low because of form issues. I kept deloading trying to get it so I wasn’t straining my lower back. Deadlift is low because of form issues too. I switched to sumo and my form is now in check.
All in all this is a good program. I would highly recommend it to anyone whos starting out lifting. Initially I lost 10 pounds but have gained it back because you have to eat a lot to keep the gains going and daily energy. My diet is very bad though and I’ll be fixing that shortly.
My only complaint is the program claims the lifts will keep your core strong enough for the squats. For me this isn’t true. My core is giving out way before my legs. I’m going to be adding core work.
Hope this helps anyone looking for a beginner program.