This is a cycle log from the previous thread, outlining the cycle. Thread:
To recap (and fill in a bit more):
My first cycle consisted of a really stupid Sustanon/Deca cycle. It was only 5-6 weeks long, and I pyramided up to 1g/week of Sust, and 600mg/week of Deca. From the pyramiding, that should tell you how long ago it was (fall of 99). No AI (what’s that?), no PCT. And it was my ‘pre-fight’ cycle before my second MMA fight. I was around 185-190, and was fighting heavyweight so I wanted to put on some weight. And boy, did I. Weighed in at 209, bloated like a tick and looking like I got flogged on the back by a cactus. Strong as f@*#, with no gas at all. The only reason I can figure I had no issues post-cycle is that the long esters from the sust must have created a sort-of natural taper.
Didn’t touch them again for several years. Tried redicat’s paper stuff, saw a few pounds but nothing to write home about (probably wasn’t taking enough). Did a couple bottles of PH’s I bought at a gym (Double Dragon SOS 500, really liked that stuff - good clean weight without any noticeable sides). Then nothing for a few more years, until mid/late 2013. Did an oral-only cycle of tbol (wasn’t too bad and managed to keep most of the weight I gained) followed by a series of short tren/test/mast cycles (2 weeks on/5 off each time, did this 4 times IIRC). Good weight gain, good strength as well. Each PCT/off period I would lose about half of what I gained, and then gain again on the next one. After the series I ended up about 20 pounds heavier than I started, and kept it for a while.
Did another oral only cycle using tbol and MHN a few months ago. Gained a few pounds, but felt like I was getting fat toward the end. Experienced my first bout of gyno when I jacked up my MHN intake to see what happened. Right nipple area got tender - discontinued and it went away with no lumps.
This will be my first ‘proper’ cycle. I put out the money to get the better quality stuff (still UGL, but really good reviews), so this should be fun. The short cycles were from a certain UGL that has been holding a ‘50% off sale’ for over a year now, and I think their stuff was not real high quality.
The particulars:
38 y/o male
22+ years lifting, using different protocols over time. Work would sometimes interfere over the last 10 or so years, but have been able to be very consistent the last 2. Up until this past winter, when I was forced to take a few weeks off from the gym on two different occasions. Lost some weight, and my training maxes ™ came down considerably.
For this cycle, I am following the Juggernaut 2.0 program minus the deload weeks. Being assisted, and having a rather sedentary job while I am out here, I don’t think I will need them.
Cycle plan:
1 - 12 Test E 125mg E4D (375 first week, following 3 day Prop kickstart)
1 - 12 Primobolan 230mg EOD (first inject was 430) This averages at 790mg/week
TNE/Dbol blend (75/25) as preworkout on lifting days*
Aromasin with each Test injection, especially TNE/Dbol days**
13-14 Test Prop 35mg ED (bridge to PCT) stopping 2-3 days before PCT
Nolva 40/40/40/20/20/20
Aromasin as needed, still working out how often/how much to take during PCT
*TNE/Dbol - lifting days only, on a 2 week on/1 week off rotation. Accumulation week of Juggernaut will always be without TNE/Dbol.
**Have taken 25mg each Test E inject day, but I’m going to drop that to 12.5mg just for prevention. Probably won’t see much aromatization from the TRT-dose Test I am using, and the Primo won’t aromatize (and may prevent aromatization from what I’ve read) - still using the aromasin just to be safe. On TNE/DBol days, I will take at least 12.5, or more likely the full 25 just to prevent any bloat.
Using a TRT dose of test just for replacement, so I can see what the primo does.
Diet may be spotty sometimes, since I am shipboard and have no control over the menu. Usually pretty good food, but again, the only control I have is whether or not to eat pie after dinner
In the process of getting some HCG, I’m planning on just using it the last 3-4 weeks of cycle then let it clear before starting PCT. Problem is I am finding conflicting ideas on dosing for this approach, anywhere from 1000iu once per week up to 5000iu spread out over each week.
The next few posts will be updating my first week of training while on, just to catch up.
EDIT: A. and B. are used to notate supersets.