Alright so first real training log, please let me if there is a better way to put forth all this info or if I’m missing something or have so useless info. Thanks
W1 D1 (2/20) - 10x3, 45s between Sets
A Deadlift - 225lbs
B Chin-Ups - BW
C Front Squats(w/ Straps) - 115 lbs (Need to Increase, repped 10th set to 6)
D Dips - 12lbs assistance
Cycle Sprints 10 Mins (60s Low/30s High) - tried to keep above 28 mph on sprints
**Workout felt good, need to adjust the front squats but felt good to get back into moving some weights. Day after, by legs were feeling it as well as lower back. As some others mentioned, wow I was hungry after this. Nutrition - 1,429cal. 40/38/22 (C/F/P)
W1 D2 (2/21) - Jump rope - 10 Mins
**Had plans later that night so hit the rope at 5AM. I like to jump rope so I actually enjoyed the 10 mins, broke a good sweat, didn’t really take any breaks, only stopped when I messed up. Nutrition - 1,744cal. 27/31/42 (C/F/P)
W1 D3 - OFF **Calves were feeling it from the jump roping. Still a touch sore in the legs from Day 1 but wearing off. Nutrition - 1,467cal. 29/43/28 (C/F/P)
W1 D4 (2/23) - 10x3, 45s between Sets
A Back Squat - 185lbs (Need to increase)
B BO Row - 95lbs x 8 sets/ 115lbs x 2 sets
C Romanian Deadlifts - 185 lbs (Haven’t done these is far too long, need to concentrate on form)
D Standing Military Press - 85lbs (Need to increase)
Walk/Sprint Intervals 10 Mins (60s Low/30s High) - took sprints up to 10.5 mph
**Felt good, exhausted by the end. Hunger is still up. Standing Military is a little different for me, program says to start with 10RM for the 10x3, just feels really light for some exercises where I feel my 10RM is very low due to fatigue. Nutrition - 2,470cal. 36/49/15 (C/F/P)
W1 D5 (2/24) - OFF Nutrition - 2,116cal. 30/38/32 (C/F/P)
W1 D6 (2/25) - Jump Rope 11 mins - Did 2.5 mile walk at pretty fast speed right before, again calves felt the jump roping. Nutrition - 3,365cal. 22/55/23 (C/F/P)
W1 D7 - Supposed to be off, but switched out for W2 D1 (2/26) - 10x3, 40s between Sets
A Deadlift - 245lbs
B Pull Downs - 50lbs with a good squeeze and hold at bottom
C Front Squats(w/ Straps) - 135 lbs
D Dips - 12lbs assistance
Cycle Sprints 11.5 Mins (60s Low/30s High) - tried to keep above 28 mph on sprints
**Felt a little tired, especially upper body when attempting Chin-ups first but then switched to CG Pulldowns. Nutrition - 1,545cal. 23/49/28 (C/F/P)
Disclaimer: Came down with something on Monday(2/27), sinuses, cold, allergies, something which pretty much sidelined me until Friday, where I went out of town for my bachelor party so I will be picking W2 D1 back up on 3/6) Nutrition was all over during the week, between not eating some days and sticking to my typical diet on the others. Tracking my diet has been a little bit of an eye opener, I feel I have been much better about reducing/eliminating processed foods, and maybe I need a smarter tracker because even eating big portions of veggies bring the carb numbers up