Okau guys…youve talked me into staying on cruise instead of cycling off. Is 100mg test e split into 2-3 pins a week enoughbto maintin blast gains? Is it enough to cintinue building off of until nxt blast? My dr. Is onboard. But heres the kicker. Insurance wont cover it until i crash basically.
Less than I would do. I’d go 150mg to to start. Pin 2x a week(75mg). Take labs with your doc, see if you’re in high end or normal range and adjust.
So come off for a couple weeks and let your levels drop and get bloods. After my last show I dropped test(prop) and was off for 3 weeks and my test level was 2.
I felt totally fine. I’m sure if I let that continue i would have felt like shit but if you want a script that is what you will need to do.
Other than that go with the suggestion from @blshaw.
So “if” i get the script she said its normally 200mg test c every 2 weeks. Id obviously split that into at least twice a week. And I’m perfectly fine with adding 50mg maynbe even 100 of off label if my energy levels just arent back. I have personal reasons for wanting a script. I know most here are against it but…again. personal reasons.
Taper off or just stop? Assuming no nolva because i want my levels low for the test? I figure JUST GO OFF would be my fastest route to drop the levels. Which means fastest way back on. If my natty is out of range forna scriot then ill just keep doing what im doing for now. Been running 500mg a week for 10 weeks. Past week i dropped to 375. How long off before i droo to natty levels? Thanks for the help!
There is 0 need to taper the test. It has an ester attached that will taper it down for you.
Your gonna need a solid 4-5 weeks off for the test to clear.
Thanks! Assuming I’m going to feel like trash during this time, and also assuming if i need levels low in order to get the script then i need to stay off of clomid and nolva. This correct?
This is what I would do.
Stop the test. Wait 4 weeks and get your own bloods done and see where your at. If levels are low enough go get doctor bloods.
If not low enough wait another week or two depending on where they are at and repeat. No nolva or clomid.
You may feel crappy or totally fine. Last time I came off fully for 3 weeks and got my bloods done and my test was 2ng/dl and i felt fine.
That depends on your diet, training and recovery. Keeping gains is about keeping the environment that created the gainz stable.
Update. Was honest with dr. Came off. Bloods in 3-4 weeks. When am i going to start feeling like crap? And should i run the adex and or nolva after 2 weeks of being off or will that screw with the blood work scheduled 2 weeks later? And just outbif curiosity…am i going to lise a shit ton of gains going off for a month? Now…bloods are too good for a script. Ill likely run 150mg anyway. Ibdont wanna lose what ive worked my butt off for
Don’t take anything.
You may feel totally fine or like crap. I’m not you so I can’t tell you.
Last time I came fully off for 3 weeks or so I felt fine. Your not gonna die. Don’t sweat it.
You won’t lose everything in a few weeks. Keep training and eating.
There is no assurance that you will feel bad. Just before (2 years before) I turned 40, I wanted to do a couple tested drug free bodybuilding contests. I quit my last cycle cold turkey and pressed on. The only thing I noticed was that I got weaker and I lost a good amount of delt and trap size.
Thanks! In this 4 weeks. Should levels pretty well be leveled out or will enanthate still be there somewhat? Sorry for 1000 questions. Just trying to learn. And not make the same mistakes ive made in the past. May never blast at 500 again. Im thinking 200 with a little oral dbol alongside the 1st 6 weeks, switch to winny for the last 6. Then back to 150 cruise. Ill be back later to see how terrible of an idea that would be lol. I know i loved test at 500. But i also know my BP ran onbthe high side. And even though inwas horny all the time and the wife loved it…i there was definitely a reduced volume when i “came”. Assuming because sperm count dropped to near nothing. Pros and cons both I guess
The enanthate ester will continue to be cleaved off by the body.
Half life is about 5 days. It will clear your body in 6 half lives
So if taking 500mg test E
day1 500mg
HL1(5days) 250mg
HL2(10 days) 125mg
HL3(15 days) 62.5mg
HL4(20 days) 31.25mg
HL5(25 days) 15.625mg
HL6(30 days) 7.8125mg
Once you get to 20 days the amount of test in the body will be pretty minimal.
I would get your own bloods at day20 to day25 to see where your levels are at and then plan doctor bloods around that.