Squat Assistance-
- Box Squats
- Squats w/ bands
- GHRs
Bench Assistance-
4) Board Presses
5) Reverse BAnd Presses
6) DB Press
7) Pulls from a deficit
8) Pulls from just below knee
9) Bent over Rows
10) Side Bends
Squat Assistance-
Bench Assistance-
4) Board Presses
5) Reverse BAnd Presses
6) DB Press
7) Pulls from a deficit
8) Pulls from just below knee
9) Bent over Rows
10) Side Bends
i do back lever holds (straight body, toes pointed) on the chinning bar for about 10 secs for core strengthening. it rocks. Any more than that and it gets kinda ugly. My eye vessels start popping out , and i get TOTALLY bloodshot eyes. but hell i like it.
as far as my top 10 exercises i would go
[quote]Pinto wrote:
Squat Assistance-
Bench Assistance-
4) Board Presses
5) Reverse BAnd Presses
6) DB Press
7) Pulls from a deficit
8) Pulls from just below knee
9) Bent over Rows
10) Side Bends[/quote]
Now here’s a fuckin list!
Nice post!
[quote]Go heavy fool wrote:
on edge wrote:
Go heavy fool wrote:
chrisrodx wrote:
Weighted Abs Roller (plate on back).
Dude get the fuck outta here seriously… before I toss my Olympic bar across your forehead.
All abdominal exercises are for pussies… you are the same guy that was asking about his bodyfat% a few weeks ago, weren’t you?
I don’t do abs ever. Why? Because abs are for pussies!
GHF, you disappoint me. I think this might be the fist time I’ve disagreed with you. Don’t train abs at all???
BTW, those ab-roller type exercises are great. I don’t have one but I use my sons tricycle and fuck an A it’s brutal on the abs.
First time for everything. How bout this… Train your core, not your 6-pack?
When most people say “abs”… I immediatly think 6-pack. There are so many other core muscles and waistline muscle groups besides the abs that nobody trains. I train them all for strength. Erectors, Obliques, Intercostals, Serratus, hip flexors, and the abdominals. Most ab rolling pussy boys have no core strength or a serratus or intercostal muscle to speak of.
Most of these 6-pack Brad Pitt wannabes have no clue how to even train the abdominal muscles in the first place. Sit ups and crunches do not work the function of the abdominals anyways. Sit ups work your hip flexors and strain your lower back. Crunches work nothing except maybe a dent in the carpet and a sore neck.
I agree. I’m not trying to look like Brad Pitt to look good for the ladies, I’m married, so I get laid but get no respect from lifters. Core power is about training the abs for lifting large weights and not doing a metrosexual strut on the beach. A six pack is a matter of bodyfat, not strength.
I just saw a pic of Jill Mills squatting damn near ass to grass a pile of weight I still have problems doing. I wonder how she trains her “abs.”
[quote]Go heavy fool wrote:
chrisrodx wrote:
Weighted Abs Roller (plate on back).
Dude get the fuck outta here seriously… before I toss my Olympic bar across your forehead.
All abdominal exercises are for pussies… you are the same guy that was asking about his bodyfat% a few weeks ago, weren’t you?
I don’t do abs ever. Why? Because abs are for pussies![/quote]
Ab exercises are for pussies who squat and pull big weight. This pussy right here wants an elite total by the end of next summer, so I beleive my pussy-self will be hitting some heavy DB sidebends, weighted GHR sit-up, a some extra pussified weighted leg raises. I’ll get so funking strong, nobody will be able to lick this pussy!! YEAHHHH!!!
Squat Variation
**Toss in some bands and/or Chains now and then
Bench Variation
**Toss in some bands and/or Chains now and then
Pull Variation
**Toss in some bands and/or Chains now and then
Olympic Variation
**Reps from 1-5
Can’t go wrong with these, IMO.
[quote]Pinto wrote:
Go heavy fool wrote:
chrisrodx wrote:
Weighted Abs Roller (plate on back).
Dude get the fuck outta here seriously… before I toss my Olympic bar across your forehead.
All abdominal exercises are for pussies… you are the same guy that was asking about his bodyfat% a few weeks ago, weren’t you?
I don’t do abs ever. Why? Because abs are for pussies!
Ab exercises are for pussies who squat and pull big weight. This pussy right here wants an elite total by the end of next summer, so I beleive my pussy-self will be hitting some heavy DB sidebends, weighted GHR sit-up, a some extra pussified weighted leg raises. I’ll get so funking strong, nobody will be able to lick this pussy!! YEAHHHH!!!
Now those are the pussy exercises that are worth doing. I pretty much do those same ones. Add in some Weighted Hanging Pikes and you’ll have my pussy core routine. Funny but I’m a bodybuilder who lifts like a powerlifter. I believe you need to if you ever wanna be a great bodybuilder. Just ask Arnold & Ronnie.
[quote]Danny John wrote:
"Overall Maximum Strength?
Why would you have any single joint moves? Any?
I would think the question should be in light of total amount on the bar…the more weight the more hit on “Overall Maximum Strength.”
So: Deadlifts, Squat, Bench would stay on, for most of us Military or Jerks, but really as you begin to slide into exercises that you can only move weights in the 200 pound range or even the 100 pound range, the total hit is going to be limited. [/quote]
Exactly. Not that isoaltions are the devil or bad but as an over all strenght builder NAH. The first few on the list are great then add any Oly lift and hell get out side pick up odd things, push cars, throw things carry thing under and over your head, drag stuff, etc etc.
Did anyone else beside Dan John read this question? It was maximum strength. Read the response below.
[quote]Danny John wrote:
"Overall Maximum Strength?
Why would you have any single joint moves? Any?
I would think the question should be in light of total amount on the bar…the more weight the more hit on “Overall Maximum Strength.”
So: Deadlifts, Squat, Bench would stay on, for most of us Military or Jerks, but really as you begin to slide into exercises that you can only move weights in the 200 pound range or even the 100 pound range, the total hit is going to be limited. [/quote]
[quote]Bearhawk wrote:
The overall goal was that if you are good at these exercises you will be good at essentially every resistance exercise in the gym.
You are KIDDING about EZ Curls right???.. Skull Crusher are border line for strength
No, I wasn’t kidding about the EZ Curls. Remember I said the goal was to be good at almost every exercise in the gym (see above). My rational is that if you just do compound movements your biceps do get some training but not enough to become really strong (my definition of really strong is curling your bodyweight, or 200 lbs).
So if somebody in the gym challenged you to a curl competition and you rarely do curls, you will probably lose. If the goal is to be good at all exercises (which I realize is not everyone’s goal but it is important for this discussion) curls are important. The same reason applies to skull crushers.
I also believe that having stronger biceps and triceps should help you do things like bent over row and pull-ups (bis) and bench and dips (tris).
[quote]dead_lifter5000 wrote:
Squats (all kinds)
Deads (all kinds)
Bench (all kinds)
Bent Press
Pull Ups
Turkish get-ups
Russian Twists
Glute-Ham Raises
You really like Turkish get-ups that much? Maybe because I suck at them I don’t like them, it is a shoulder flexibility issue. I think muscle-ups would be better overall measure, but my rational is that if you are good at pull-ups and dips it shouldn’t take you too long to do a muscle-up. GHR are great as are good mornings.
[quote]Go heavy fool wrote:
Pinto wrote:
Squat Assistance-
Bench Assistance-
4) Board Presses
5) Reverse BAnd Presses
6) DB Press
7) Pulls from a deficit
8) Pulls from just below knee
9) Bent over Rows
10) Side Bends
Now here’s a fuckin list!
Nice post!
Those are all excellent exercises but in my opinion they are too redundant to compromise a set of 10 exercises. There are some areas left untouched, namely overhead pressing ability and curls and extensions. For training however those are great choices.
[quote]Phill wrote:
Exactly. Not that isoaltions are the devil or bad but as an over all strenght builder NAH. The first few on the list are great then add any Oly lift and hell get out side pick up odd things, push cars, throw things carry thing under and over your head, drag stuff, etc etc.
I thought about including strongman related stuff but was trying to keep it to standard “resistance training exercises”. I agree that sled drag, car push, farmer’s walk are all excellent. On the top of that list would be sprints.
I disagree with the thought that isolation exercises aren’t strength builders. If you happen to test the strength of a smaller muscle compound exercises often don’t hit it enough (see previous post on curls).
Thanks for the thoughts.
[quote]nptitim wrote:
The overall goal was that if you are good at these exercises you will be good at essentially every resistance exercise in the gym.
Bench Press
Bent Over Row
Standing Military Press
EZ Curl
Skull Crusher
Hanging Leg Raises
Comments are welcome.[/quote]
You could be great at all these exercises and still completely suck at anything performed on one leg. Food for thought.
[quote]nptitim wrote:
Go heavy fool wrote:
Pinto wrote:
Squat Assistance-
Bench Assistance-
4) Board Presses
5) Reverse BAnd Presses
6) DB Press
7) Pulls from a deficit
8) Pulls from just below knee
9) Bent over Rows
10) Side Bends
Now here’s a fuckin list!
Nice post!
Those are all excellent exercises but in my opinion they are too redundant to compromise a set of 10 exercises. There are some areas left untouched, namely overhead pressing ability and curls and extensions. For training however those are great choices.[/quote]
Yeah- I limited my selection to 10. I like to do more upperback than just BB Rows- T-BAr Rows, Shrugs, Hang Clean, DB Cleans, DB Rows. Personally, I could live without curls. I don’t believe I hav ever gotten much from them in terms of strength/size.
[quote]Go heavy fool wrote:
Pinto wrote:
Go heavy fool wrote:
chrisrodx wrote:
Weighted Abs Roller (plate on back).
Dude get the fuck outta here seriously… before I toss my Olympic bar across your forehead.
All abdominal exercises are for pussies… you are the same guy that was asking about his bodyfat% a few weeks ago, weren’t you?
I don’t do abs ever. Why? Because abs are for pussies!
Ab exercises are for pussies who squat and pull big weight. This pussy right here wants an elite total by the end of next summer, so I beleive my pussy-self will be hitting some heavy DB sidebends, weighted GHR sit-up, a some extra pussified weighted leg raises. I’ll get so funking strong, nobody will be able to lick this pussy!! YEAHHHH!!!
Now those are the pussy exercises that are worth doing. I pretty much do those same ones. Add in some Weighted Hanging Pikes and you’ll have my pussy core routine. Funny but I’m a bodybuilder who lifts like a powerlifter. I believe you need to if you ever wanna be a great bodybuilder. Just ask Arnold & Ronnie.
Go Heavy what does your workout routine look like?
[quote]Tryfon wrote:
Go heavy fool wrote:
Pinto wrote:
Go heavy fool wrote:
chrisrodx wrote:
Weighted Abs Roller (plate on back).
Dude get the fuck outta here seriously… before I toss my Olympic bar across your forehead.
All abdominal exercises are for pussies… you are the same guy that was asking about his bodyfat% a few weeks ago, weren’t you?
I don’t do abs ever. Why? Because abs are for pussies!
Ab exercises are for pussies who squat and pull big weight. This pussy right here wants an elite total by the end of next summer, so I beleive my pussy-self will be hitting some heavy DB sidebends, weighted GHR sit-up, a some extra pussified weighted leg raises. I’ll get so funking strong, nobody will be able to lick this pussy!! YEAHHHH!!!
Now those are the pussy exercises that are worth doing. I pretty much do those same ones. Add in some Weighted Hanging Pikes and you’ll have my pussy core routine. Funny but I’m a bodybuilder who lifts like a powerlifter. I believe you need to if you ever wanna be a great bodybuilder. Just ask Arnold & Ronnie.
Go Heavy what does your workout routine look like?[/quote]
I just started to keep track of it in my blog. I have the first two days in there.
Basicly all heavy basic compounds. I’m trying a new routine as we speak. I’m doing all singles right now. I’ll be doing this for a month because I’m really looking to improve my strength and get get a rebound hypertrophy effect as I change the periodization with a new routine. Then I’ll be on supersets and dropsets for hypertrophy phase.
My routines change constantly. I really work on periodization.
[quote]Eric Cressey wrote:
You could be great at all these exercises and still completely suck at anything performed on one leg. Food for thought.[/quote]
Eric, good point although I think completely suck is a bit strong, but you could have a weakness there. If you had to make a change what would you stick in (ie best one leg exercise in your opinion) and then what would you drop out? Of course in the real world we can do more than 10 exercises so we won’t have to drop anything, but I am curious as to what you think the least important of those 10 is. Thanks.
the ones that i’ve found the most effective would be:
The anti-curl crowd on this site gets old to listen too. I agree multi-joint exercises are the way to go but I would also keep some type of heavy curl on the list. I dabble in strongman and also armwrestling and extra arm work has made a huge difference in both discliplines. Try wrestling with a guy who curls 200 pounds and see how it goes. I have a buddy with extremely strong arms and he is an absolute beast to grapple with. Seriously the anti-arm movement is flat out wrong. Im not saying to hit cable curls with 15 pound db’s but heavy curls will add to overall useable strength regardless of what your doing.