Stats: Male 22, 5’6", 165 lbs, 12% BF (estimate, top abs show clearly)
Last year around this time: 150 lbs, 12% BF (I.E. the look of my midsection hasn’t changed and I’m relatively happy with that)
Diet: I picked up a copy of Gourmet Nutrition which I’ve been following fairly religiously for the last few months
Goal: Hypertrophy (I hate being sub 175 lbs)
Training experience: 3 months of crossfit, followed by 9 months of starting strength.
During this time, my lifts went from (all 3 sets for 5 reps):
Back squat 95 lbs → 235 lbs
Front squat don’t know → 185 lbs
Deadlift 135 lbs —> 315 lbs
Bench press 155 lbs → 170 lbs (had been training this prior to last year like any gym rat would have done)
Overhead press 65 lbs → 115 lbs
Power clean - nothing → 155 lbs
I’ve been stuck at roughly the same numbers, give or take a few lbs, for the last two months.
As you can see, I’ve been following a total body routine for the last year, but now I’m finally peaking.
I finally went and picked up a copy of practical programming, but I was sorely disappointed with the lack of actual “programming” advice for people who have gotten past the Starting strength stuff (or have I?)
I’m at and above where the practical programming charts put me in the “intermediate” catagory, but now I feel like instead of sticking to one program like i’ve been doing fairly religiously, I’ve been jumping from one training program to another without any real coherence.
What should I do now? Should I try something completely radical? Perhaps go back to machines/dumbbells and do a body part split type routine? Again, my goal at this point is strictly hypertrophy while maintaining the bf% I’m at right now.
Thanks for your advice!!!