I decided to actually try and eat as much as I could and do a sort of clean bulk because I wasted a whole bunch of time last year only having whey protein shakes (before i knew about Tnatn) and made some decent gains the six months prior to this but i kept a food log on FitDay online (which i found off of an article here) and realized i deffinitely wasn’t eating enough. I’m guessing i’m around 17% body fat. That was taken from a scale, and i know they aren’t the best but its all i have to go on.
Obviously spring break is coming up (i’m in college) and also summer for me is on the horizon. From what you see here, (i went from 148 to 156 lbs) would you suggest continuing another month, then doing the V-Diet or do the V-Diet now. My legs aren’t really of a concern, i’ve grown out of boxers and jeans and have always had a big lower half from sports.
Anyways, i know it will brutal but i always like the tough love. Let me know what direction you guys think i should go in (My goal is look bad ass, i’ve kind of realized my sports days are almost over).
These are before and after shots right? If so, I’m very sorry to say, I don’t see a difference other than your haircut and boxers. But, then again, I’m no expert just trying rate.
what does your routine look like? I’d say keep eating, and maybe up your calories. If you have your diet down, maybe your routine is the missing link?
What kind of metabolism do you have? Fast, slow? it’s only February, I’d say bulk til April’sh then spend the end of April and month of May to taper down for June-September. Fuck Spring break man. Why waste time for like 1 or 2 weeks when you can keep bulking and possibly double your size and gains for those longer summer months.
my routine has been mainly Waterbury full body. I try to mix it up but i usually do two lower body movements with antagonistic pairings up top. If i do heavy dead lifts, i’ll pair it with leg extensions or if i front / back squats i’ll then do calves or something. chin ups pull ups barbell row, standing barbell push press, and the normal bench and db bench exercises. I mean i’m not flexing or anything in the pictures, maybe i should have done that haha (at least i might not look as small)
[quote]ttombobadly wrote:
I decided to actually try and eat as much as I could and do a sort of clean bulk …(My goal is look bad ass, i’ve kind of realized my sports days are almost over).[/quote]
Stop being so wishy washy…
If had to kick you in the nuts and say something it’s don’t do it “sort of”…do it. You are young so don’t worry so much about “clean”. Eat a fist of protein each TWO hours. You should shit 4x a day at least if you are eating enough.
And what’s with the looking bad ass and then in the same sentence derail yourself???