i am new to this page i started wen i was 19 i am 21 now
1 more not flexxing
wow finally! someone who’s actually been training for more than a month or 2 and has actually done some hard work. good work mate. you put on some size and managed to not get fat in the process. is it possible to see some more poses…legs and back namely and maybe a before pic? and what are ur stats…hgt/wgt?
Pull up your pants, you look like a homo.
[quote]1morerep wrote:
wow finally! someone who’s actually been training for more than a month or 2 and has actually done some hard work. good work mate. you put on some size and managed to not get fat in the process. is it possible to see some more poses…legs and back namely and maybe a before pic? and what are ur stats…hgt/wgt? [/quote]
this is wen i started 115… i am 5.10 173 now i dont have any pic of back nor negs but i will get around to do it
mind u iv never takenn any thing at all only red bull suger free wen i get to the gym lol and i eat 6 to 7 times a day
You have gained 58 lbs in 2 years and almost no lbs of fat…? Ur either lying about the time u started training or you have some incredible genetics.
Anyway good job on the transformation.
Your shoulders look impressive and you’ve made significant progress since you were 15(do you have any more recent “before” shots?), good job so far.
to be honest i have no reason to lie, just giving my .02. But thanks anyways
Great job. You are an inspiration to me. What’s your routine and a typical day nutrition look like?
Why is everyone with good progress so quick to mention they’ve never taken anything.
Either way, looking good, keep working hard. You’ve done well. You have nice shaped pecs btw.
Also interested in your typical training/nutrition/cardio schedule.
mon. chest & legs
tues. bies & tris & 4arms
wend. off
thr. sho & trap
fri. bak
abbs 45mins and 30min cardio every day
week 2 i change it all aorund, week 3 back to this
i eat 6eggs raw wen i wake up and a pro shake(my dad always made me now just use to it) tuna,steake,chicken,and veggy rice every now and then i try to eat 6 to 7 times a day
Dammit, Im biting my tounge trying not to say, “damn youre fucking hot” or “I’d hit it”. (This is a joke boys, laugh & dont whine about it.)
So I will say, holy cow, son, you have done a tremendous job!!! Great symmetry, that’s for sure. This is usually a sign of good genetics.
Love your shoulders.
Good job
id hit it
yeah bro looking good. and of course someone is going to ask so i might as well; wht are your lifts…bench, squat, dead?
definatly look good all around, but i’d like to see and back and legs to
[quote]All2ez wrote:
yeah bro looking good. and of course someone is going to ask so i might as well; wht are your lifts…bench, squat, dead?
definatly look good all around, but i’d like to see and back and legs to[/quote]
MY max?
thats impressive progress, good job
[quote]jemag wrote:
You have gained 58 lbs in 2 years and almost no lbs of fat…? Ur either lying about the time u started training or you have some incredible genetics.
jemag he pretty cleary states he was 15 in the scrawny picture and 21 in the current picture, less jumping of conclusions people.
[quote]Scott M wrote:
jemag wrote:
You have gained 58 lbs in 2 years and almost no lbs of fat…? Ur either lying about the time u started training or you have some incredible genetics.
jemag he pretty cleary states he was 15 in the scrawny picture and 21 in the current picture, less jumping of conclusions people. [/quote]
Not to argue Scott but he actually state that the picture is when he started at 115. I think he meant weight. I could be wrong though. Go back n check it does say 115 and he said he started when he was 19. Now he is 21. I’m not arguing either way. Just trying to clear things up.
Nice job!
Surprised no one has said it yet, but can we get some legs/back pictures?
Yeah,I said 2 years because I saw he started at 19 and that he’s now 21. So I just calculated it. Didn’t know the picture was when he was 15 years old.