Austraillian Scientists have done the Umbrella Inc. thing and have created “zombie mice” or mice which can regenerate any organ except the brain. The organs can even withstand damage and COMPLETE REMOVAL and still regenrate.
Another thing that follows suit of Shaun Of The Dead is the fact that when fetal liver cells were injected into ordinary mice, they inherited the regeneration trait. OMG THEY CAN INFECT OTHERS!
I got more stuff on my site, mostly where I got it from and Rasident Evil/Shaun Of The Dead references
But I think this is really interesting. Imagine being able to cure cancer by removing the infected organ.
[quote]thabigdon24 wrote:
I heard that john bobbit was thinking about investing[/quote]
lol, that would also lead to such things as NINJA SURGERY…
You sit in a dark room, inches away from death, your heart beating its last few beats, when suddenly, you experience an immense pain, and seconds later, you’re healthy again.
And that’s when yu realize you’re pregnant with the ninja surgeons baby.
[quote]DtotheG wrote:
thabigdon24 wrote:
I heard that john bobbit was thinking about investing
lol, that would also lead to such things as NINJA SURGERY…
You sit in a dark room, inches away from death, your heart beating its last few beats, when suddenly, you experience an immense pain, and seconds later, you’re healthy again.
And that’s when yu realize you’re pregnant with the ninja surgeons baby.