My local gnc ran out of zma so i bought calcium magnesium and zinc and a seperate bottle of vitamin b6 will these give me the same effects as zma?
Zma is 450 mg magnesium 30 mg zinc 10.5 mg vitamin b6
What i have is
Calcium 1000mg magnesium 400mg zinc 15 mg vitamin b6 50 mg
Will this work?
You’ll never get huge if you forget to put in the nutmeg, atleat a mg per dose
Lmao what do you mean nut meg 8===D lmao
I was just fuckin with ya Jordan, I don’t use any supps, and I remembered talking with you on other threads, so I was just fuckin with your head. I don’t think nut meg builds any muscle, but I’m sure somebody will try and market it some day. Later
Are you kidding man? Ive gained 20 lbs of lean mass supping with 3 grams of nutmeg a day mixed with l-arginine and l-glutamine. This shit works hardcore bro hahaha
You could just try to get these vitamins and minerals from whole food sources…
I use ZMA for sleep and it works great. I imagine if thats what you are looking for then the magnesium should do the trick.