YouTube Vid Leads to Hollywood Contract

I didn’t watch the entire thing because I got bored.

It’s just robots blowing shit up, right?

What’s the big deal? I’ve seen that before.

[quote]Vicomte wrote:
I didn’t watch the entire thing because I got bored.

It’s just robots blowing shit up, right?

What’s the big deal? I’ve seen that before.[/quote]

Ditto. There’s nothing to suggest that this short film could be stretched to a full-length movie. The difference between this andAlive in Joberg (the prequel to District 9), is that ‘Joberg’ had an interesting premise that could be developed into a proper feature.

Here’s the link to Alive in Joberg for anybody that hasn’t seen it:

I’m impressed by Alvarez’s ability to make a small amount of money go a very long way: I think that it was this quality that landed him the contract in the first place, rather than outstanding originality (there is no plot to speak of). But then, Hollywood rarely concerns itself with originality - preferring to make movies according to trends and recent successes.

[quote]roybot wrote:

I’m impressed by Alvarez’s ability to make a small amount of money go a very long way: I think that it was this quality that landed him the contract in the first place, rather than outstanding originality (there is no plot to speak of). But then, Hollywood rarely concerns itself with originality - preferring to make movies according to trends and recent successes.


Everything’s cheap in Uruguay.

[quote]Vicomte wrote:

Everything’s cheap in Uruguay.[/quote]

That would explain a lot. Giant extra-terrestrial killer robots would be wise to invade Uruguay - it’s so very much easier on the wallet.

For $300.00, that was good, but I have to say, to win a $30M contract based on THAT??? I’m going to predict a $30M investment that is a big flop. The effects are good, but aren’t there thousands of people already great with effects? What I see is a storyline that makes absolutely no sense, as one poster already said, there’s robots blowing stuff up, and ships actually killing people in the streets, all to meet in the middle and superblow everything up anyway?

I mean effects aside, shouldn’t the producers be able to have action that is logical? The guy in the beginning gets out of his car, and then runs away instead of driving away? The robot steps in a giant pool of water, and doesn’t make any wave? That movie was cool if some kid in highschool made it, but I ain’t paying to see the project these guys come up with on a big budget…

[quote]VealChop wrote:
For $300.00, that was good, but I have to say, to win a $30M contract based on THAT??? I’m going to predict a $30M investment that is a big flop. The effects are good, but aren’t there thousands of people already great with effects?

What I see is a storyline that makes absolutely no sense, as SCROTUS 2000 already said, there’s robots blowing stuff up, and ships actually killing people in the streets, all to meet in the middle and superblow everything up anyway?

I mean effects aside, shouldn’t the producers be able to have action that is logical? The guy in the beginning gets out of his car, and then runs away instead of driving away? The robot steps in a giant pool of water, and doesn’t make any wave? That movie was cool if some kid in highschool made it, but I ain’t paying to see the project these guys come up with on a big budget…[/quote]

Yeah, howbout lets stop having movies with a plot you can drive a bus through. Serously, you go to the movies and sit there and can pick it apart drunk. They spend millions of dollars on it, and they cant even make it coherent enough for someone who is piss ass drunk to not be able to pick it apart.

lol, then the aliens show up a week later and are like “oh shit, jim you hit the blow shit up button you moron, sorry guys, jim kinda fucked that one up”
Jim “my bad guys, sorry”