call me a nerd, but it just bothers me that so many people here use these words interchangeably (probably spelled that wrong :))
you’re = you are
your = belongs to you
- grammar bitch
call me a nerd, but it just bothers me that so many people here use these words interchangeably (probably spelled that wrong :))
you’re = you are
your = belongs to you
I’ll second that.
You should capitalize the beginning of your sentences.
Your right, it bothers me to. There all loosers.
Here’s a few more for the grammar bitch.
Than v. Then
To v. Too
There v. They’re v. Their
It’s v. Its
i.e. v. e.g.
Between v. Among
However, the forum is fairly informal. With no spell checker built-in, and people writing as they speak vocally, it’s natural to have many of these errors. No worries, I see them as I read and move on. They don’t bother me if they’re not too distracting.
Remember, it’s double-u, not dubya.
It bothers me when people do not place a period at the end of a sentence. Oops, you forgot!
The fact that “It’s” vs. “Its” bothers people bothers me. It’s an arbitrary convention the MLA forced on us, not an historically based feature of the language.
Also, I am annoyed by those who say “an histor-” and pronounce the ‘h.’
One more lesson, do not say you did real good, its real well.
That whole ‘well’ thing seems a little pretenious. When people ask me how I’m doing, I say “good”. I get a little thrown off when people say “I’m doing quite well, thank you for asking.”
There has to be a balance.
this is the worst: alot
A LOT is TWO (2) words!!!
I myself hate it when “Their” is ignored for the easier to spell “There”…like when Timmy P says “I’m going down to the Tri Delta Sorority house (Frat song: Go Delta, Go Delta…Go…uh DELTA!..Whooo!) to see if I can sniff there panties on the clothes line”. I strongly feel that it is the confusing exception to the rule of “I before E” that throws many off, especially Timmy P.
The New Year will see Tims office staff, in an effort to bond with a group resolution, start an aggressive campaign to get Tim to remember that “Underwear goes on the inside”. Really, next to that the grammar thing is pretty small…
“Ignorant people think it is the noise which fighting cats make that is so aggravating, but it ain’t so; it is the sickening grammar that they use”
~ Mark Twain
Hmm. I thought their song was, Delta, Delta, Delta, can I help ya, help ya, help ya?
And what’s so wrong with panty sniffing? Maybe for New Years, Timmy P will move onto Pi Phi panties. My vote is to do away with pants all together. Just come to work in your 'roos.
Hmm. I thought their song was, Delta, Delta, Delta, can I help ya, help ya, help ya?
And what’s so wrong with panty sniffing? Maybe for New Years, Timmy P will move onto Pi Phi panties. My vote is to do away with pants all together. Just come to work in your 'roos.
Dang it, I’m in “multiple computer, back button hell”. Sorry.
I find almost everyone on the net confuses lose and loose.
Pronouncing the word often off-ten
saying irregardless
saying eck-specially
The its vs. it’s mixup also bothers me.
his, hers, theirs, its ← no apostrophe
he’s, she’s, it’s, they’re ← apostrophe
Regardless of the history lesson above, this appears quite consistent to me.
Spellers of the world “untie!”
point taken Zeb. but, the lack of a period does not change the meaning of a sentence. i’m just lazy. it’s just that i see the “you’re your” confusion so often that I really think a lot of people have no idea that there is a real difference between the two. I wasn’t trying to by high and mighty. I’m not a good speller but I try to use words correctly.