Long time lurker, finally decided to grow some balls and post my progress here after the comment I got from a male in my gym about 2 hours ago (see subject line). I want to blow his socks off.
Aim is to become stronger and somehow become leaner. I have managed to lose 60 odd pounds in the last 1.5 years but I’m still holding onto a large amount of body fat. I also managed to lose 4.2 pounds of muscle but I guess that is to be expected when losing a substantial amount of weight. Reading through the other journals, I’m nowhere near as strong as you guys but I’m hoping with some constructive criticism and advice, I can achieve my goals.
Training has been hit and miss. Tried a coach on the other side and I ended up putting on body fat. I also have realised as much as I hate it, I NEED cardio to maintain my weight. I cut it down to 1-2 days a week and the weight crept on. Instead of bitching and moaning about it and having people tell me I’m doing too much of it, from my own experiences of my body, I need to do it. Enough said.
Today was day off, did some foam rolling and stretching… Will post more tomorrow as its getting late here and my brain is fuzzy.
Final note - I get butterflies before lifting and I feel the same reading your blogs, it’s like I come in my panties every time I come to this section. You ladies rock!!!
[quote]mom-in-MD wrote:
Or throw the barbell at his head! :D[/quote]
Can i throw the barbell. haha
[quote]Joneightpackguy wrote this:
Here is something you may not have heard before?
Ugly does cardio, hot does lifting.
That may seem a bold statement but let’s be clear for a moment on my intent.
No lifting leads to ugly performance
No lifting leads to ugly physique
No lifting leads to ugly health
Lifting leads to sexier bodies
Lifting leads to hotter moves
Lifting leads to a better well-being
Tell that next time a woman says she won’t lift because she doesn’t want to get bulky and manly like.[/quote]
Legs today, Gym was very busy. It gets that way leading into summer here. I train all year round but the males come out of hibernation just before summer.
ladder machine- 5 mins
Mountain climbers, Burpees, Fire engine thingy ( forget the name)x3 rounds
X Band walks and Glute activation exercises
Leg Press ( wanted to squat but there was a lineup for the squat machines)
15 x 120 pounds
10 x 176 pounds
8 x 264 pounds
5 x 352 pounds ( needed a spot)
15 x 25 pounds
12 x 35 pounds
10 x 40 pounds
8 x 45 pounds
3 x 50 pounds ( grip gave out)
Body weight lunges 20 each leg
Step Ups with D/B
15 x 25 pounds
12 x 45 pounds
8 x 45 pounds ( grips failed)
Glute/Ham Raise with body weight
Wall sit with 30 pounds weight in each hand for 60 seconds ( Sit against wall with feet at 90 degrees)
Thats all I could fit in within an hour, I dont usually train at lunch but I cant make it to the gym tonight. Its so busy I couldnt even superset. Note to self: No training at lunch.
Leg Press ( wanted to squat but there was a lineup for the squat machines)
The hack squat machine is OK, but I wouldn’t use the leverage type or the Smith machine. The latter two use a plane of motion that is nothing like a squat, and can actually cause an injury.
Squat the old-fashioned way. If you don’t have a squat rack or power cage, use dumbbells.
Leg Press ( wanted to squat but there was a lineup for the squat machines)
The hack squat machine is OK, but I wouldn’t use the leverage type or the Smith machine. The latter two use a plane of motion that is nothing like a squat, and can actually cause an injury.
Squat the old-fashioned way. If you don’t have a squat rack or power cage, use dumbbells.
Sorry I mistyped, I meant that was a lineup for the squat rack ( not machine) and I only had 20 minutes left before I had to run back to work for a meeting. DB’s is a good idea, I didnt think of that… thanks for the advice YoMomma
[quote]Oleena wrote:
Glad to see you’re lifting heavy and were ready to put a dumbbell through a guy’s face for telling you not to!
A couple of questions:
How many calories per day are you eating?
What’s the ratio of carbs, protein, and fat?
When you say that you’re doing cardio, what type of cardio are you referring to? Do you do some form of high intensity interval training?
Hey Oleena, thanks for stopping by.
I honestly dont know exactly how much. I do know that when I was losing the weight last year, I was on around 1300-1500. I stopped measuring everything out of laziness but I generally eat clean most of the time. My weak spot is my sweet tooth. Shauna wants her cookies… I want my damn chocolate! I probably should get back to measuring it.
Same with the ratio, I honestly dont know. I definately need to eat more protein thats for sure. I need to eat carbs so I stick to low GI carbs like Oatmeal and sweet potatoes. Main meals I dont go past 40g of carbs. I have a hormone condition similar to another poster here Molly I think her name is and My Doc said I need carbs and most importantly, I need to lift weights.
Cardio is 2 days HIIT on the bike or sprints if my ankle allows it or some metabolic workouts I stole from FA. I also play beach volleyball ( im not any good though) and I find my legs are quite sore the next day.
[quote]yusef wrote:
Don’t blow his socks off, that will only encourage him. Maybe carefully take his socks off and put them in his mouth.[/quote]
I should. I still need help unloading machines and racks occasionally and I made the mistake to ask this same person and he said " you shouldnt be training here if you cant unload the weights" … so another aim is to be able to squat and press enough so I dont need to ask for help… I HATE being weak
Need some help. My body fat is quite high and I would like to see it go down to a healthy number, not fussed about what I “weigh” per se. After reading some articles, I see full body workouts are the way to go for fat loss and muscle maintenance. But I REALLY want to do the 5/3/1 program alot of the ladies are doing on here.
So I’m confused. Please help.