I have used yohimbe with excellant results in stubborn areas ie: Michelin Tire area is now not even a 10 speed tire.
A woman freind of mine has started training to reduce fat and gain definition, and while discussing “fat burners”, it was mentioned that Yohimbe can help with a woman’s hip and thigh area … Question. Would this also reduce her breasts beyond other fat burners?
I’ll just say that, breast tissue is mostly fat. Therefore, if a woman loses fat, it’s safe to say that she should expect to lose some breast size. With or w/out a fat burner.
I have wondered about this too. Since breast fat is a result of estrogen and Yomhimbine HCL targets estrogenic fat(spare tire in men, thighs etc. in women) it would make sense to conclude that it would also reduce breast fat in women. But I’m really just guessing. That may not be the case if used topically on the problem areas with a good carier rather than taken orally, I’ve heard it is pretty localized when used topically. Anyone with actual experience care to comment?
One of the side effects of yohimbe is increased sexual sensitivity due to the increase in blood circulation of the pelvic area and the lower extremities. That is why it tends to target lower body fat. However, realize the body is truly amazing at hanging onto fat in its preferred areas, so you have two forces working against each other. Any overall bodyfat loss will indeed result in breast size reduction, but that can be counteracted by pectoral development and surgery.