Year Subscription

Last week, on a whim, I paid the $75 for T-Nation+.

I am getting a tad older. I am less observant, and not detail oriented.

My question is, how do I know how I am on T-Nation+?

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Sorry to be difficult, it states the page has moved?

You’re good! For some reason, it looks like your profile didn’t get update to T Nation+ status when you subscribed. Please try again when you get a chance.

I am good! Thank You!

Personal opinion: I’ve been on this site since its inception; I believe I was member number 4 as I recall our avatars had our member number beneath them. In any case, I feel it’s an ugly day when the old yellow on black TESTOSTERONE charges its readers for content, particularly when we’re (probably) already paying our hard-earned money for Biotest supplements. Shameful, actually.

Hope the $75 was well spent.