[quote]orion wrote:
No, you physically cant.
MDMA wont let you get an erection while on a “binge”- “Popping over her tits” is virtually impossible.
LOL are you for real?
[quote]orion wrote:
No, you physically cant.
MDMA wont let you get an erection while on a “binge”- “Popping over her tits” is virtually impossible.
LOL are you for real?
[quote]parsley wrote:
I’m not the “chosen voice of T-Nation” but i think you should check out the “raped by a bird” thread for some opinions about yourself. For example fuzzyapple says “I blocked Jack so I can’t see his shitty posts. Life is great. But to my surpirse this thread was not created by him. There is a God”
Jesus this is the most embarrassing shit i’ve read on here.
I’m truly sorry my posts are flying wildly over your head mate. Try and keep up
LOL@ you thinking I give a shit what people think on here.
All my friends are into soccer, some are pretty die-hard. Myself, I hate the game. I’ve watched my fair share of exciting matches, but most of the time I find myself staring at a bunch of dudes chasing a ball.
Perhaps its because I never got into the game the way I got into watching boxing, BJJ or MMA. When I watch those sports I’m pretty engaged despite a lack of action because I understand what’s going on. Not so with footy.
[quote]Jack Urboady wrote:
denv23 wrote:
We boring Americans also don’t act like fucking apes and trample our own people to death over some dumb ass sport like you guys do.
That must be rugby you’re talking about.
Americans are far from boring as well mate FFS. You only have to look at the way you nutters raped Deal or No Deal to see that.
Excuse me sir, but you are incorrect.
I’ve never seen anyone injured at a rugby match, unless they were on the pitch.
Can’t say I’ve ever heard of a “rugby hooligan”
[quote]Jack Urboady wrote:
parsley wrote:
I’m not the “chosen voice of T-Nation” but i think you should check out the “raped by a bird” thread for some opinions about yourself. For example fuzzyapple says “I blocked Jack so I can’t see his shitty posts. Life is great. But to my surpirse this thread was not created by him. There is a God”
Jesus this is the most embarrassing shit i’ve read on here.
I’m truly sorry my posts are flying wildly over your head mate. Try and keep up
LOL@ you thinking I give a shit what people think on here.
Hey man, all im saying is that T-Nation would be much better off without you.
[quote]parsley wrote:
Hey man, all im saying is that T-Nation would be much better off without you.
LOL am I ruining the T-Nation experience for you?
You could crush a walnut between my asscheeks I am cringing so much here. Sort it out Parsley and harden the fuck up.
[quote]Jack Urboady wrote:
parsley wrote:
Hey man, all im saying is that T-Nation would be much better off without you.
LOL am I ruining the T-Nation experience for you?
You could crush a walnut between my asscheeks I am cringing so much here. Sort it out Parsley and harden the fuck up.
LOL your not ruining shit for me, and i think im a bit “harder” than you considering i actually have a pair of balls since i can’t wear skinny jeans without cutting off the circulation to my testicles.
[quote]parsley wrote:
LOL your not ruining shit for me, and i think im a bit “harder” than you considering i actually have a pair of balls since i can’t wear skinny jeans without cutting off the circulation to my testicles.[/quote]
LOL then why are you crying ‘you really should read what they’re saying about you in this other thread. It truly is awful and we at T-Nation would breath a collective sigh of relief if you would please vacate the premises. After all this is our home and our lives cannot go on if you keep making threads I mean even Fuzzyarse has been forced to block your posts’
Seriously mate. Do one---->
Honestly, I think it’s kind of stupid to get so excited over watching people that I don’t even know, compete in a sport that I’m too lazy/not good enough to do myself. It just seems to be the stereotype of the ex-highschool sports player who became a fat slob who was too lazy to make it anywhere, so he lives his dreams through other people who actually worked hard to get where they are. I’ve been into martial arts for 19 years, I get pumped when I win a match, I get pumped when a student or someone I train with fights, I don’t give a shit about other people that I don’t even know. Sure, it’s entertaining and exciting to watch, but that’s as far as it goes.
[quote]counterfeitsoda wrote:
Honestly, I think it’s kind of stupid to get so excited over watching people that I don’t even know, compete in a sport that I’m too lazy/not good enough to do myself. It just seems to be the stereotype of the ex-highschool sports player who became a fat slob who was too lazy to make it anywhere, so he lives his dreams through other people who actually worked hard to get where they are. I’ve been into martial arts for 19 years, I get pumped when I win a match, I get pumped when a student or someone I train with fights, I don’t give a shit about other people that I don’t even know. Sure, it’s entertaining and exciting to watch, but that’s as far as it goes.[/quote]
Well whoopdefuckingdo for you man. Do you watch movies? I mean after all, you don’t know the actors and you’re too fat and lazy to become one. What about TV shows? You don’t know the actors and you’re too fat and lazy to become one. Do you watch the news? You don’t any of the people in the news or the anchors. You’re too fat and lazy to make any news, that’s for sure.
Come one, that’s the dumbest fucking argument for not watching sports I’ve ever heard. I didn’t play basketball in high school, yet I love watching it. I played football, baseball and soccer in high school and baseball in college, yet I don’t feel like I’m trying to live vicariously through my favorite teams. I played the games because I loved them (except for soccer; I don’t like soccer but I played cuz I was good at it.) and now that I don’t play I like to watch the games that I loved playing. Sports are entertainment, and they’re especially entertaining if you understand some of the inner nuances of the game from playing it.
Brilliant you beat Celtic. What was the score against Seville again?
To other posters who have no clue what he’s talking about, people in scotland actually do speak like this. Apart from calling a girl ‘bird’ which hasn’t been popular since at least 1996
you start way too many threads about nothing.
Jack your the most annoying poster on this site, Congrats!
[quote]optheta wrote:
Jack your the most annoying poster on this site, Congrats![/quote]
So fuck
Sue me
[quote]Bambi wrote:
Brilliant you beat Celtic. What was the score against Seville again?
You a 'tic man Bambi?
Inter Milan mate - where I was born and where my parents are from. Moved to Edinburgh a while ago but before I lived in Wycombe so I’m a chairboy - we’re doing shit at the moment though. Why would I support the hoops?
[quote]counterfeitsoda wrote:
Honestly, I think it’s kind of stupid to get so excited over watching people that I don’t even know, compete in a sport that I’m too lazy/not good enough to do myself. It just seems to be the stereotype of the ex-highschool sports player who became a fat slob who was too lazy to make it anywhere, so he lives his dreams through other people who actually worked hard to get where they are. I’ve been into martial arts for 19 years, I get pumped when I win a match, I get pumped when a student or someone I train with fights, I don’t give a shit about other people that I don’t even know. Sure, it’s entertaining and exciting to watch, but that’s as far as it goes.[/quote]
You should go post your opinion in the Olympia thread as well or are their too many “cool” people in them to disagree.
I fuckin love watching sports, as well as several other things i cant do like movies, broadway shows etc.
If you don’t like this guy (as many seem to) thats fine. But this argument is retarded.