[quote]StrengthDawg wrote:
[quote]trivium wrote:
Which one do you think the general public will want to watch?[/quote]
The “General pubic” doesn’t give a fuck about powerlifting, raw , geared, crossfit, oly lifting,strongman, bodybuilding, bobsledding, curling, or any anything else remotely fitness related. I mean have you seen what the “general public” looks like? come on man…
look everyone has hobbies they like to see get advanced. Do yourself a favor and Stop projecting your interests on others in such a fashion. It only will get you worked up for no reason.
Besides if I can squat 585 raw and 725 in a suit am I any less of a lifter? no, and if someone shit talked me in person, I’d prolly sock em in the mouth for doing it. Those numbers may suck in the scheme of things but for me they mean alot, I busted my ass for those. Besides, none of you fuckers running your mouths are prolly on the cover of Powerlifting USA so you got room for improvement too.
The general public does have interest in strength sports.
I do think that there is a lot of potential for growth in mainstream media. Just look at the UFC. It has gone mainstream. Strongman and highland games events are on TV all the time. Derek Poundstone, Bill Kazmaier, and Zydrunas Savickas are household names where I am from.
Nobody was worked up, and nobody is pushing their hobbies on others either. That occurred in your own reading of the posts. In your defense, I do suspect some of the posts were made to troll responses like yours.
This is a powerlifting forum. People are going to talk about such things. If it bothers you, then just move on man. There’s no need to get all fired up for nothing.
Your attitude about your lifts suggests that you value other’s opinions of your lifts. If you were really a secure human being, you wouldn’t be upset if someone called you weak because your own opinion of them would be enough.
If you read the posts I made, I even said that I would like to see raw guys go geared, and geared guys go raw, as I feel that both are relevant. Is it against the rules to want to watch the best of the best compete against one another?
The problem here is that as soon as you mention one in the same sentence as the other, people get all outraged and start chest thumping like a bunch of fucking idiots. It is like reading comprehension literally goes out the window and people resort to the same stupid shit that has been going on since I have been reading this website/forum 8 years ago. (Yes I lurked for a hell of a long time.)
That, and attitudes like the one you just displayed are perfect examples of the kind of stuff that keeps a barrier between people who lift and everyone else. It is even the reason that there are barriers between geared and raw lifters.