XArena's Training Log!!! :D

Did 16 pullups, wasn’t too hard

had a great workout today, everything felt so easy!

Squat: 115x5, 140x5, 170x5, 195x5, 230x3, 170x8 (felt so light!)

BenchPress: 75x5, 95x5, 115x5, 130x5, 155x3, 115x8 (this was pretty easy as well)

PowerClean: 55x3, 70x3, 85x3, 120x3 (felt really easy as well!)

really happy with today’s workout. :slight_smile:

Just did 16 pullups :slight_smile: hopefully i can get to 20 by begining to mid october :slight_smile:

Did 17 pullups today!! almost at my goal of 20! :slight_smile:

Did 17 pullups again today, pretty hard!

and went to the gym, this is what I did:

Squat: 115x5, 140x5, 170x5, 170x5 (so easy, exploded up)

Bench: 75x5, 95x5, 115x5, 115x5 (obviously easy)

PowerClean: 55x5, 70x5, 85x5, 125x5 (not difficult)

All in all it was a really good workout! :slight_smile:

Did 17 pullups, was really hard…

Had a pretty good workout :slight_smile:

Squat: 115x5, 140x5, 170x5, 230x5 (skipped a warmup set, but the working set was easy)

Bench: 75x5, 95x5, 115x5, 130x5, 155x5 (actually had a bit of a hard time on the working set)

PowerClean: 55x3, 70x3, 85x3, 125x3 (easy)

then I did 17 pullups, was a bit hard, probably cause of fatigue, hopefully tomorrow I’ll hit 18 :slight_smile:

Did 18 pullups today!! :smiley: so close to 20!!!

Had a good workout today also! :slight_smile: then again… every light day is good… anyways, here’s what I did:

Squat: 115x5, 140x5, 170x5, 170x5

Bench: 75x5, 95x5, 115x5, 115x5

PowerClean: 55x3, 70x3, 130x3 (PR!)

Gunna do 135 next workout on PowerCleans! First time doing 45 plates on Power Cleans, can’t wait. :slight_smile:

Did 18 pullups today :slight_smile: the 18th just shot up, but couldn’t get the 19th :confused:

Did 19 pullups today! :slight_smile: Almost at 20!!! then it’ll be one of my goals achieved!
Had a great workout today as well! here’s what I did:

Squat: 115x5, 140x5, 170x5, 240x3, 170x8

Bench: 75x5, 95x5, 115x5, 160x3, 115x8

PowerClean: 45x3, 75x3, 105x3, 135x5 (PR!)

FINALLY am doing the 45 plates on power clean! :slight_smile: now going from linear progression to weekly progression on the power clean, i’m doing it before i stall, so i can just stay on weekly progression, because i don’t wanna continue linear, than stall, then go to weekly, and have to deload so it takes 4 weeks to get to old maxes, so yeah :slight_smile:

Did a pathetic 15 pullups today… dunno why :S

Just ripped out 20 pullups! reached my goal for next summer already! :slight_smile: I’m gunna go for 50 for next summer :slight_smile:

Nice lifting and 50 pullups would be sick, dude!

[quote]hastalles wrote:
Nice lifting and 50 pullups would be sick, dude![/quote]

Thanks! And it really would, it’s my new goal!!!

I also had a kickass workout!! here’s what I did:

Squat: 115x5, 140x5, 170x5, 240x5 (the bar just flew up! :D)

Bench: 75x5, 95x5, 115x5, 160x5 (was kinda hard)

PowerClean: 45x3, 75x3, 95x3, 140x3 (was easier than I thought it’d be :))

All in all I had a great workout! :slight_smile: Can’t wait for next heavy day, where I attempt to break my Squat and Bench personal records!!!

I only clicked on this because i thought it said “Xena’s Log”, but good going man, powercleans+ variations are awesome

[quote]caveman101 wrote:
I only clicked on this because i thought it said “Xena’s Log”, but good going man, powercleans+ variations are awesome[/quote]

Who’s Xena? but thanks man! :slight_smile:

Did a crappy 18 pullups :frowning:

Did 20 pullups, was pretty hard :confused:
Here’s what I did, switched it up a little:

Squat: 115x5, 140x5, 170x5, 170x5

Push Press: 45x5, 95x2, 85x2, 85x2, 85x2, 85x2 (Dropped it from 95 'cause it went up really slow… Idk why…)

Pullups: BW 25x5, BW 25x5, Bw 25x5

Weighted Crunches: 10x5, 25x5, 25x5

Decided to change up my workout, I kinda like it, I wanna get good at push pressing and I wanna do weighted pullups to help my bodyweight pullups, and weighted crunches cause I feel I have weak abs… so yeah :slight_smile: