WTF Is This?

Nice camera work.

Monster Muscle Mike needs to learn how to isolate his pecs.

I watched 3/4 of it. I stopped once the rabbit started rubbing him down.
Does anyone know what this is for? Or why?

[quote]Nards wrote:
I watched 3/4 of it. I stopped once the rabbit started rubbing him down.
Does anyone know what this is for? Or why?[/quote]

Yes, that was the WTF part. A rabbit rubbing down a bodybuilder. Shugart? You want to psychoanylize that one?

[quote]ipjunkie wrote:


Someone needs to get over himself.

              tin can

Isn’t that Nate?

Isn’t there a fetish where people fuck other people wearing giant furry animal costumes? I think that was the homo erotic version of that . Or a really private joke that I couldn’t get.

[quote]lostinthought wrote:
Isn’t that Nate? [/quote]

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Wow. If there was ever a question about bodybuilding being gay, that video just proved it.

I want those 3 minutes of my life back.