I am 27 5’8", 150Ibs. I obviously need to gain weight. My biggest problem is consistency, whenever I stop lifting the weight goes right back off.
Here is my program
Day 1
Inc DB Bench
DB Rows
Face Pulls
BB Shrugs
Inc DB Curls
ext rotation
Glute Bridge
Ab Wheel
Sicilian crunch
back ext.
Day 2
Split Squat
Hang leg raise
Plate pinch
Day 3
DB Floor Press
DB Shoulder press
BB curls
Glute Bridge
Ab Wheel
Fat grip part. DL
Dragon fly
back ext
Opt Day 4 if schedule allows
Box Jump
Reverse BB Lunge front foot elevated
KB swings
All workouts are done with 60 rest and lots of supersetting wherever possible. Mobility drills and stretches are performed during rest. ex. bench press then hip mobility or SQ then Lat stretch.
This is my first time doing WS4SB it does seem on paper to be a little upper-body heavy. We will see I plan on killing legs on Day 2.
I will be starting off slow and light after being out of lifting for a while. I should probably post some pics too.