[quote]The Mage wrote:
Professor X wrote:
WTF? So I was supposed to write, “it has been 4 years and 347.25 days and he just recently admitted it”? Does that make it any fucking better? The guy is the most arrogant president we have had in a very long time.
Most arrogant President? I think the prior administration was a hell of a lot more arrogant.
Anyway even your most recent time frame doesn’t make sense either. It wasn’t 2001, nor was it even 2002 when we went to war in Iraq. You act as though it was longer then it was by years, not days.
You also do not take into account any of the time where they were still looking for the shit. You basically blew up 2 years into 5.
And no I do not expect you to accept that. If they found WMD’s tomorrow you wouldn’t accept that. If they found Osama in Iraq you wouldn’t accept that either. (That’s not Osama, just some guy they found who looks like him.)
Oh yeah, one more thing. You also do not care that one of the inspectors, while saying he found little (again some small amounts found,) said that the programs were still in place, ready to go at a moments notice, and much worse, and much further along then anyone thought. (Paraphrased of course.) He pretty much said he couldn’t believe how extensive the programs were, and said we dodged a bullet.
If nothing else I think that is enough to satisfy me.[/quote]
What are you smoking? If they found WMD’s tomorrow, it would change everything. The fact that we didn’t find what we were told was DEFINITELY there is why there is an issue. Also, I can not believe you are arguing with me about exactly how many YEARS it took for him to finally admit that this was was initiated with false intel. The fact that it took YEARS at all is pathetic. No one is backing up your story officially as far as them being weapon ready to that degree. From the documents I have seen, they basically found what would be equal what one would find upon raiding one our own major hospital facilities in terms of “research and pathogens”.
I have written just recently what I would have changed in that position in another thread. It shouldn’t be hard to find.