Worst Hangover Ever

[quote]Xab wrote:
Sounds like a badass concoction! I’m cutting so I won’t get a chance to try out that cocktail anytime soon, but I’ll keep in mind. [/quote]

You’re kidding right?

I was 15, so drunk, i hitchhiked to alabama, ended up being picked up by somebody, dont remember, dont care. End up passed out in a pasture with no one around. Im talkin there was no sign of life for miles. walked for what seemed like forever, with a migrane in 97 degree weather, still no idea where im at. i see a house and walk up and before i could ring the doorbell i pass out again, wake up in a hospital, barely able to make out whos there, but i hear my mom talking to the doctor and the a police officer walks in and tells my mom that since i didnt destroy any propety or harm anyone, no charges were going to be presented. I still have no idea where i am, and still have trouble seeing, and speaking. pass out again, wake up and i am fine and can see and speak now with no problems at all. Turns out, I was in south georgia.
fun night! will never hitch hike again. now my friends duct tape me to the couch as a joke so i dont go anywhere drunk.

[quote]daneq wrote:
Xab wrote:
Sounds like a badass concoction! I’m cutting so I won’t get a chance to try out that cocktail anytime soon, but I’ll keep in mind.

You’re kidding right?[/quote]

I’m assuming he means he won’t be drinking so he won’t be needing to try it.

Very entertaining stories artw haha if you have more, do tell!

[quote]waylanderxx wrote:
daneq wrote:
Xab wrote:
Sounds like a badass concoction! I’m cutting so I won’t get a chance to try out that cocktail anytime soon, but I’ll keep in mind.

You’re kidding right?

I’m assuming he means he won’t be drinking so he won’t be needing to try it.[/quote]


I have never had a hang over. I don’t know why, just lucky I guess. I did have a horrible experience with taking too much X in Vegas years ago. B-A-D.

[quote]waylanderxx wrote:
daneq wrote:
Xab wrote:
Sounds like a badass concoction! I’m cutting so I won’t get a chance to try out that cocktail anytime soon, but I’ll keep in mind.

You’re kidding right?

I’m assuming he means he won’t be drinking so he won’t be needing to try it.[/quote]

right on then, smart choice.

I thought it was either
a) “there too many carbs in milk and berries!!!”
or worse b) he went out drinking the night before and was worried about carbs the next morning. double face palm

lol sorry little faith for new people around here.

It all started about a year before a Greatfull Dead show at Buckeye Lake Ohio, and ended several years later.

The details are blurry but by the end of it I lost a house, a couple hundred thousand dollars and I couldn’t find my pants.

The hangover was tremendous. Like hell exploded and the epicenter was behind my belly button.

Atrw, you sound like my kind of partier.

[quote]mtlians wrote:
I was 15, so drunk, i hitchhiked to alabama, ended up being picked up by somebody, dont remember, dont care[/quote]

Was your bunghole soar the next day?

The worst hangover happened the day after I turned 21. I wasn’t drinking a whole lot, and then suddenly I was, and then suddenly I’m on my knees before the porcelain Goddess offering up my vomit and promising I’ll never drink that much rum again if only the nausea and dizzinness would go away. Later, a friend put me to bed and the party pretty much petered out. No one was having fun knowing I was puking my shit up.

Good friends them. Except for one.

The exception had stayed over that night because he doesn’t actually have a car to drive his ass home. Woke me up a little after 7 saying ‘Dude. You gotta drive me to work.’

I’d never really been this hungover. The nausea was still there, and while the dizziness had abated, it had been replaced by a headache that felt like a thermonuclear explosion .gif right behind my left ear.

Dutifully, I stagger to get dressed. The room waves at me, and it occurs to me I’m still drunk. Nevertheless, I take his ass to work, praying to everything that is holy except mac that we make it.

Turns out we do.

The worst hangover I’ve ever had, I hadnt really actually drank that much but I was 18 at the time and still had a very low tolerance for alcohol (light weight). My friend and I were the first ones to get to the bush party so we were the ones to light the fire. We used a jug of gasoline, a newspaper and some pallets, within 10minutes we were both slammed and there was fire everywhere, it was sweet. Over the next half hour to 45minutes I had polished off a 26oz of Bacardi Gold and hadnt touched my bottle of coke (litterally, the seal wasnt even broken).

Also during that time I had taken several mixed drinks from friends and smoked a few cigars. As more kids were arriving and parents were dropping them off people begain to notice I was a little too drunk, I chased parents out of the party and was eventually found sitting upright on top of a barrel, passed out. I was dragged into the back of a pickup truck where I slept for a while and then moved into a van and was driven home by some friends. My buddies struggled to carry me inside the house as dead weight and I puked 2 or 3 times from the move to the van, the house, outside, the house again, back outside and finally up to my bed.

During the night I puked almost non stop and actually seizured a few times. Even after some medical attention, I felt like death for the next 2 or 3 days. And since then I’ve never gotten that drunk again.

[quote]Ghost22 wrote:
Sometimes when you say I’m never drinking like that again, you actually mean it.

Too true.

Last Septermber I got so hammered on my birthday I still don’t know how I got home - never had any travel cash, didn’t draw any money and I didn’t walk home since it would’ve taken a couple hours.

Never again.

[quote]Bloobird wrote:
adarqui wrote:
i never had a hangover and im a month from going on 27…

be glad you’re not me.

lol. I read on the Charlie Francis site that one night of excessive drinking can set you back 2 weeks of training.[/quote]

I learned that the hard way. I’m on day two I feel a lot better but I feel SOOO weak. I lost 4 pounds from throwing up, and since I couldn’t eat like ANY proteins yesterday I had lifted the day before so that’s not good at all. I prob did just set myself back 2 weeks but I learned a good hard lesson before I go to college. I know it may happen again, but I am definitely going to try and prevent myself from EVER drinking this much again, I feel like so much crap right now.

I had one hangover that was pretty epic and I don’t even think I drank that much. I know what did me in was a double of 151. I should have poured it over the assholes head who bought it for me. But, I think any guy in my situation would have taken the shot. I kept it together until I got back to my hotel room and got in the shower, get on my hands and needs, and stayed there with the water running for about 4 hours I think. There is something soothing about the shower. I go to sleep around 6am and wake up around 3pm. I go into the bathroom and my f’n eye sockets have swollen up like somebody jacked me in the face. Apparently, swollen eye sockets can be a side effect of heavy drinking. Thank jeebus it was the weekend and I didn’t have to show my face in public until Monday.

[quote]BlackLabel wrote:
mtlians wrote:
I was 15, so drunk, i hitchhiked to alabama, ended up being picked up by somebody, dont remember, dont care

Was your bunghole soar the next day?


no, funny tho. haha i think it was a woman. but again im not sure and dont remember worth shit.

Artw, awesome stories. Worst hangover I ever had was after quite a few rounds of double shots of jack, vodka, and jager along with 10-12 beers. We stayed after closing time and the bartender turned up a bottle of jager into my mouth a few times. Next thing I know it’s 2pm and I’m in my bed, covered in puke. Also discovered I no longer had an Iphone. Epic night.

I got a hangover the first time I got trashed. Never got one again (thanks god) But I try to not to drink as much, and if I do its usually beer now.

[quote]masonator wrote:
Artw, awesome stories. Worst hangover I ever had was after quite a few rounds of double shots of jack, vodka, and jager along with 10-12 beers. We stayed after closing time and the bartender turned up a bottle of jager into my mouth a few times. Next thing I know it’s 2pm and I’m in my bed, covered in puke. Also discovered I no longer had an Iphone. Epic night.[/quote]

Lmao dude, thats so fucked up haha.

…my 24th birthday, and a friend came over. We drank, smoked weed, ate magic mushrooms, popped some pills, took speed, went out, smoked and drank some more, took another E and it went downhill from there. Projectile vometing, extreme nausea until the early morning and half a bucket of bile made the depression i was in even worse…

[quote]ephrem wrote:
…my 24th birthday, and a friend came over. We drank, smoked weed, ate magic mushrooms, popped some pills, took speed, went out, smoked and drank some more, took another E and it went downhill from there. Projectile vometing, extreme nausea until the early morning and half a bucket of bile made the depression i was in even worse…[/quote]

Holy crap!

Go big or go home, I suppose. :wink: