World Record Bench Press: Video

loopfitt: I know as fact that this man actually lifted 700lbs w/out a shirt.

Just a FYI.

he did 713 at a Raw meet-still damn near a world record without it-i believe Anthony Clark had it previously with 776

I guess I’m never gonna live the conan thread down, huh Jared. :slight_smile:

I don’t like supportive gear either, but the world changes at 300 guys. Now imagine what happens at 4,5,6, 700 lbs. A guy that can do 875 with a shirt can do 700 raw before a 700 lb. raw guy can do 875 with a shirt.

713 raw! Now I’m impressed. I also like the form on that lift, no bouncing.

Haha, Jared, that Hanz and Franz skit was some funny shit…sometimes I think of that when I look at what I am about to deadlift. Probably a bad idea.

Mendelson is in a league of his own…and yes, bench shirt or not, he is a freak. I hear he is planning on retiring now, though. I was hoping he’d stay around to get 900.

Okay I finally saw it. Damn! My shoulders are screaming just thinking about it. What’s his deadlift? Squat? Total? :slight_smile:

Right click and save!

Hopefully that worked aa little better. . .


irondoc, no, you’re not.

he doesnt lift in three lift meets. only bench only meets. but im sure if he did it would be a hell of a lot more than all of us.

Loopfit, bench shirts do not help you as much as you think. Its not like you could put on a double denim and bench 400 lbs if your raw max is 225. I might get ten lbs out of my shirt. Maybe more on a good day. Have you ever used a shirt before? People knock equipment so much when they really have no idea what they are talking about. And of course hes not going to bounce it. Its a damn meet. You cant bounce it in a meet.

Yah, I knew that was going to get you going? What took you so long? I’m totally aware of the benefits of a lifting suit/shirt, though I’ve never used one(olympic lifting background)we just like to get on the bad side of the powerlifters at our gym by saying things like that, but after seeing what you did to that phone book, I take that back. I like my neck exactly where it is!

Oh and the bouncing comment was to refute all the people who claim to lift a certain amount of weight, when really they’re just rebounding it off their chest. Just want these people to realize that this is how it should be done, competition or not.

If it only gives you 10 extra pounds in the bench, then do powerlifters use them…are they safer or something.

Mine only give me that much. Mendelsons obviously give him much more since his non shirted max is 713 compared to 875 with a shirt. I do know that he takes a 700+lb warmup in the warmup room without a shirt.

I don’t follow powerlifting too much…So here’s my probably dumb question…Does a guy like this ever do World’s Strongest Man competitions? I wonder if he’d kill those guys, at least in the pushing contests…

KAZ and Don Reinhoudt won some of the early WSmMcontests. Kaz was awesome. I was blown away as a skinny kid, when he started to toss half barrels on the truck. no running up to the tailgate. He just chucked the first four like they were laundry or something.