I just wanted to start a new thread, but continue on a discussion in the Physical Therapy thread I wrote. I know that most of us would love to have a job like one of the T-Mag staffers or be professional athletes. But I’m thinking not all of us can be, so we have to work at jobs that we can tolerate and do the fun stuff before and after work. Is this sentiment true for most? Do you work more because you have to, I’m not saying that you hate your job, maybe it’s tolerable and maybe not but is it what you would do? I’m not happy as a Mechanical Engineer right now and am trying to decide what to do. PT was an idea, the schooling would take 3 years full-time so I want to be really sure before I jump into it. On the other side I can make good cash if I switch to finance, so what to do. -
Have you read the new paper issue of Testosterone yet? Chris Shugert has a whole article on this topic called ‘gut check- settle for nothing’. You should read it.
Is your job that intolerable? man, what do you do? I think any job would be annoying sometimes. And if I actually did what I wanted, I would be in a labcoat, messin with people and chemicals… but that is some serious school, and not always good money… fighting for grants, dealing with cost issues… not my idea of a good time. so, even if i was doing what I think would be the coolest thing on the planet, some things would still erff me to no end. I think you have to find a happy medium somewhere. but i am only 22, so i dont have the life experience others here have. I just have my little picture of what life should be, and I am working towards it. I asked in your other thread about other engineering posibilities, since you have experience in that field, and most likely wouldnt need more schooling. I believe brider chimed in with perhaps prosthetic research or biomechanical stuff… I dont know, check it out.
Good luck, whatever you decide.
Read a book called “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” by Robert T. Kiyosaki. Learn to negotiate the stock market. Learn to make your money make money and you won’t have to work anymore. Its great!
Da Man, I don’t want to make it sound that bad, sorry if I did. I just have a job where I’m bored alot and that’s the worst. But your right, even if I had what I thought was the perfect job I’m sure there would be some drawbacks. I’m sure there always is. So my point exactly, was that I would try and find something else I was able to do without returning to school as you and Brider mentioned. The only thing is I just switched jobs b/c my last company was tanking and it was more of a rush, now I’ve only been at this new place for 1 month, I don’t want to hop around too much. I’m just wondering how 30 years from now will feel. Money isn’t everything but it does help. Hey I want to be able to afford a T-man car etc… I just don’t want to be the average slug and wake up 30 years later hoping I was dead, American Beauty.
I am a subscriber but haven’t received my issue, if any T-mag staff is reading. But would like to read it, was it on the web-site as well?
ok, i got ya. it just sounded to me like you wanted to go postal. and boredom will do that. it is a curse of the intelligent- if something doesnt make you think, you tend to get bored, and then annoyed with it. I heard about a study that said intelligent people should not be put on assembly lines. they are not kept occupied mentally, and are more likely to daydream, and end up getting hurt. not dissing those who werent blessed with a good IQ, but it makes sense to me. you spend so much time in school striving to learn more and more, and when you get to the place you thought you were training for, your mind goes into numb mode. no stimulation. I can totally understand that. As for the final decision, I cant help. that is ultimately up to you. again, Good luck.
Normally I love my job, Software Engineer, because there are always new challenges and I’m always thinking. However, the past two weeks I’ve had nothing to do except document my latest project. It’s all I can do to just keep myself from committing suicide out of sheer boredom…