Working Out With Test

I’ve been searching, but have yet to find any solid advice - When taking just test, does anyone recommend changing volume, frequency, or length of workouts? I work out 4 times a week (splitting the body into mostly upper and lower, and doing the workouts 2x during the week), but I have the time for 6, I just aviod overtraining. Now that I am using 1-Test, can/should I increase my training frequency?

[quote]SheekLouche wrote:
I’ve been searching, but have yet to find any solid advice - When taking just test, does anyone recommend changing volume, frequency, or length of workouts? I work out 4 times a week (splitting the body into mostly upper and lower, and doing the workouts 2x during the week), but I have the time for 6, I just aviod overtraining. Now that I am using 1-Test, can/should I increase my training frequency?[/quote]

the ONLY factor consider changing when “on” is frequency.

4 times a week is ALOT unless you’re a beginner.

all juice does is facilitate growth.
there’s no different way to train when “on”.

Sheek, just to comment on your question, I’d recommend going balls to the wall while working out on test. Obviously, you already know this, but I’d recommend any way possible for you to increase intensity. I wouldn’t recommend working out the ‘same way’ that you’ve always been working on while you’re on cycle. Give your body new stimulus in terms of intensity – force your body to adapt while you have big brother Test on your side. I don’t know how long you’ve been lifting or how advanced your training is, but whether it takes drop sets, stripping, isometrics at the end of each set, just do whatever it takes to make yourself adapt. When you’re not on test, this would be considered overtraining – when you’re on, it’s a necessary evil. With your recuperation (sp?) ability being through the roof, along with enhanced protien synthesis, just eat a ton of protien and carbs during/after your workout. I personally took some advice from John Berardi (nutrition guru) and saw my gains go through the roof. Take in 1/4 gram of protien per lb of bodyweight and 1/2 gram of carbo per lb of bodyweight during your workout . . . and then duplicate this when you leave the gym (post workout window). In my case, this is 110 grams of protien and 220 g carbs. I hope this helps – remember: increase intensity by any means possible and focus on getting adequate protien or you’re tossing money out the window.

Thanks a lot for the great advice. It goes along with my common sense, and I have naturally gravitated towards more lifting, I just feel as if I can handle it. This morning my legs were shaking for about 2 hours after my workout (i love it when that happens).I am definitely what you would call a classic intermediate lifter - 2 years experience, then a platuea (sp).

My negative thoughts (I think way too much!) were that if I purposely overtrain during this month, than it would just take me that much longer to get my natural test levels up, which in turn would eat away at a lot of the hard earned gains.

BTW, you guys the 4X a week is a lot? I used to go 6 and overtrained so badly. I thought 3-4x was perfect.