[quote]Agon wrote:
What’s does you workouts look like?
Food intake?
Could be any of theese things…[/quote]
Well, right now I’m trying to lose some BF, on the anabolic diet at the time being. I’ve been following it religiously, and minus the first couple weekends, I’ve been toning it down for the weekend calorie intake. Whether it’s eggs, a casein/fiber/olive oil shake, pepperoni, cheese, chicken, steak, etc, I make it to about 2000 calories right now. I’m losing fat, gradually, so it’s workin.
Not losing strength, in fact it’s increasing still, so that’s always a plus. This diet fits me to a T as well. My cholesterol is low (53 for LDL, 52 for triglycerides), but my resting glucose is high (97), as well as hemoglobin A1C (5.6%), so saving carbs for the weekend sounds like a good idea to me.
I’ll probably utilize carb cycling come fall. My diet is pretty spot on. Sometimes on the weekends I’ll have some pizza, wings, etc. During the week I might have some Red Robin’s burgers. But I try to save it for the weekend. Since I buy and cook my own food, I don’t eat much garbage (out of sight, out of mind as I always say).
Rest is at least 8 hours of solid sleep. I CANNOT function on anything less. I do the whole ZMA/GABA bit before. I shut all outside light out from my room, and cover my alarm clock. Yeah, it’s a bit much, but I really need it.
As far as workouts…
Squats 5x5
Good mornings 2x8-10
Leg press 2x8-10
Hamstring curls 4x8-10
abs 3x20
Bench 5x5
Close grip bench 2x8-10
DB incline bench 2x8-10
tricep extension 4x8-10
external shoulder rotations 2x15
curls (left arm only, been working on making it even with my right) 3x15
deadlift 5x5
supported rows 4x8
shrugs 2x8-12
hammer curls 3x8
calves- constantly changing, but always making sure I take care of progressive overload.
For the most part, I lift heavy for the major compound movements, and the rest is more of a bodybuilding approach.