Working Out What Makes Us Different

I have been trying to get some friends to start exercising. I’m not having any luck. Know matter what I say I can’t seem to get through to them on the benefits of being in shape. I’m not a fitness monger, I don’t constantly get on them about it. Fact the only times I bring it up is when they start complaining about health issues. Which is more frequent as we age.

Is it something in our genes that drives us to challenge ourselves physically. Or were we just lucky enough to experience fitness at an early age. I am the only one in my family of five kids that works out period. I didn’t get it from my parents they are and were non active. My three brothers and I all played sports as kids and teens, of which I was the worst being tall skinny and uncoordinated right through my teens. Was that the driving force, the early need to achieve and fit in.

I’m having a hard time getting a handle on this question. People say they would like to get in shape but they usually don’t. I offer to workout with them, to get them on their way, but they can’t commit to it. Is it that they have fallen into sedetary life style and can’t get out.

I can’t go very long without some form of constant physical exertion. Is it that we look to our future when looking at those much older and say no way, not happening to me. If so why don’t others. It’s not a difficult equation, workout and live better longer or don’t and live an unappealing live. Is it as simple as it won’t happen to me, I am the exception to the rule. There is always someone who managed to beat the odds.

I just wonder at times if I’m wasting my breath. Are there those of us that simply need to or want to or absolutely have to stay in shape. Are we just naturally compelled by innate factors that are beyond our control or were we in some way conditioned to be like this. What ever the reason I’m not stopping.

[quote]streamline wrote:
I have been trying to get some friends to start exercising. I’m not having any luck. Know matter what I say I can’t seem to get through to them on the benefits of being in shape. I’m not a fitness monger, I don’t constantly get on them about it. Fact the only times I bring it up is when they start complaining about health issues. Which is more frequent as we age. [/quote]

If you even have to “get through” to someone about the benefits of exercising, you have already wasted too much of your time. Most people will never make that sacrifice. The ones who do will mostly be in that “20 minute circuit” group who clogs up gyms during rush hour. If they don’t already have that drive, it will likely take some rather large health scare to get them in the gym…and an even larger one to actually take it seriously.

What makes us different? We made lifting weights a priority in our lives and hold ourselves to a higher physical standard.

Considering how watered down our gyms are becoming, I would rather more of these people quit buying gym memberships.

Oh I’ve pretty much given up on others, they can come to me if the desire over comes them.

I’m trying to figure out why we; gym rats, fitness freaks, workout junkies, what ever they call us do what we do. After all we are the minority, we’re the ones that do something different. I can think of several reasons why I keep doing it.

1/ I love the feeling I get during and right after a workout.

2/ I enjoy being able to do pretty much anything my heart desires

3/ I don’t want to end up old and immobile

4/ I like the way I look and feel

5/ I hate the feelings I get when I don’t workout

I know why I started, 6’ 145lbs. I got up to 180lbs with 7% bf. But there are lots of guys the same size I was. Like my brothers but they never workout fact they just made fun of me back then. Everyone on this site is different in every way except we all workout. Is there some common gene or driving force that makes us think and act different from the rest of the world.

I read a lot of posts asking or wondering why people are so lazy and unmotivated, When maybe we should be asking why are we so energized and motivated that we are willing to put our bodies through such degrees of physical exertion to achieve our personal goals.

People on this site have totally different reasons and goals for doing what we do. So what is or is there some commonality that makes us do this thing we do. Any Ideas?

Body building is a form of body modification. One that takes years of dedication rather than a moment (or hours) or someone else’s labor, such as piercing or tattooing or breast implants. In some ways you are asking why these occur as well.

I suggests that in all cases there is a desire to alter one’s body to either separate or join a group, or because there is the idea that what you are is malleable and it is up to you to do the sculpting.

You can call us freaks, or dedicated or artists. Doesn’t matter. Those who rely on just what they are called will not last long.

[quote]streamline wrote:
Any Ideas?[/quote]

Being extremely competetive for one. For me it just transfers over to sports etc., and to be good at those sports I need to be in good shape. Not that that is the only reason, but it’s the most palpable and instantly gratifying one for me. If I’m faster and stronger than the other people on the pitch/field, I know I have hard work to thank for it.

You can lead a horse to water…

Seriously, quit wasting your time. There is almost a zero chance that these people are going to convert. If they are serious, they will come to you.

I loathe talking training and nutrition with most people I come across. Simply because they have no real desire to get better, and all they want to believe is the easiest plan that they can find.

Likewise for people at the gym that ask how you got big. I could preach the benefits of squats and milk and deadlifts all day, but they are not ever going to do anything about it. They typically chalk it up to me having good genetics and they don’t. Right.

To answer your question, I don’t think there is anything too scientific about it. Some of us just get enjoyment out of physical exertion, the will to succeed, and the addictiveness of the gains and changes to our bodies. Some people like to lift, some people like to run, some people like to eat, sleep, and be lazy.

From a social standpoint, I can’t remember the last time I ever allowed a conversation about weight training with a non-athlete continue for more than 3 seconds. They either tell me…

  1. Lifting weights is a waste of time and they’re healthier than me because they drink Snapple and smoke Clove Cigarettes.
  2. Any number of absurd and pathetic excuses for not being able to find 20 minutes a day to just go for a walk.
  3. Something else that makes me want to shake them.

But if I’m talking to someone who at least plays tennis, then it’s worth a shot trying to get them doing rows, presses, and lunges for 20 minutes instead of 20 minutes doing various swiss ball crunches.

Most of the people who don’t take their training seriously tend to stay clear of the Dumbbells, Squat Racks, and Oly Platforms.

Sure, sometimes people get in my way in the gym, but that only happens about once every 2 weeks. I’m more frequently pissed off by people who are just walking around the Dining Hall, on the sidewalk, or through doorways. Seriously, people suck at navigating around other people…especially women under 21.

When I was twelve, I noticed how fat is was getting. I was disgusted at myself. Therefore, I took up track and did shot put. I found out that I had some strength under all the fat.

After that miraculous grade, I decided that for the rest of my life that I will continuously attempt to get stronger. Although I am only fourteen as of now (turning fifteen at the end of March), I found the motivation I need to workout. I just look at all the great names in bodybuilding, powerlifting, and olympic lifting and think to myself, “I can never be the greatest at all the types of lifitng, but, hell, now I want to train.”

The reason that I got in lifting, as Nikiforos said, is being competitive. I have a training partner that me and him are almost dead even on everything, but our competitiveness (if that is a word) keeps making train harder and trying to beat each other. I was born in Ukraine, and being fit was a habit over there. That might have helped me, along with my dad being a record holder in the school he went to and being a amateur bodybuilder.

The whole thing about weightlifting and exercising comes from looking at yourself and saying that you need to change. Most people try to convince others that they are humble and try to change their imperfections, but their ego gets in the way and stops them from even thinking of themselves at anything below almost godlike. I know that that may be an exageration, but their are people like that. Many factors lead people into just “working out”, but not changing themselves.

Just forget about them. Most people do not know that advantage of lifitng with good form, technique, and ROM instead of just ego (I have been laughed at correcting people when they are doing something so wrong, you can feel their future pain). I just gave up and think about what I will eventually achieve.

i started training 6 months ago because i realised a) i put on loads of fat after leaving school (no pe or rugby or football with friends)
and b) i cant fight for more than 3 minutes in my armour (i do C.14th reenactment)
c) being strong rocks

finding a training partner has been impossible, people cant be bothered or simply dont want to. both my sisters have just started playing ruby for a local club, and iv offered to help them train (neither of tthem can even do 1 pressup) but they dont seem to want to do it.

somone made a point earlier that people would rather have someone make an effort for them (eg plastic surgery) rather than make the effort themselves. i think this hits the nail on the head

I’m just terrible at being reasonable when it comes to anything. Which is good - if I was reasonable about food I’d probably reach 160 pounds at most.

To be honest I think it’s because my social skill suck and I’m just too oblivious to really mind that people think I’m weird or crazy.