Steroid Research Articles

Apologies if this is already covered elsewhere, I tried using the search function but I’ve always found it a little hit-or-miss.

For an assignment in one of my University papers I need to write an article on a sport-related topic, and I’ve decided to look at one which examines the positive effects of steroid use in sports, as well as some rebuttals for the inevitable health/ethical concerns.

While I’m aware there is a lot of useful practical advice regarding steroids on these forums, I’m not looking at anything as specific as stack advice, rather articles which show that the media has misrepresented steroid use risks, articles which deal with minimizing said risks, and also articles which deal with the ethics of such use, such as comparing use of steroids to permitted forms of performance enhancement (light-weight bikes for cycling, cortisone injections to allow athletes to compete when they otherwise wouldn’t be able to etc).

The other issue I have is that any references need to be published articles, preferably from journals, though I believe a couple from edited books or otherwise may be acceptable also.

Also, any help with databases that would help me dig up useful articles myself would be helpful, as I am currently pretty useless when it comes to database searches.

Thanks in advance for any help people are able to give me.

Thanks for that, looks like there’s some gold in that link!

Also begs the question of what I was using in my first search to miss that. I’ll put it down to idiocy.