How do u people wipe your ass? Sitting or standing.
I always though wiping your ass while seated was the easiest way but all the people i have asked say the stand up to wipe?
How bout u guys?
Now the one that has me the most confused is the subject of floaters
Now my workmates sometimes leave a couple of floater’s in the toilet.
Now what gets me is there is never any toilet paper on top of the shit so how do the bastards wipe their ass?
I asked them and i just got a blank stare “lol”
Do some people not even wipe their ass?
I have a friend in college who told me this story:
A bunch of kids were hanging out in their friend’s room when they noticed a pair of underwear on the top of the pile. It had the worst racing stripe in underwear history. It wasn’t even a strip, it was a horrible blob. It was the roommate of the friend’s underwear. So one kid took a hockey stick and snagged the underwear and put it on the roommate’s keyboard. hahahhaha
How do u people wipe your ass? Sitting or standing.
I always though wiping your ass while seated was the easiest way but all the people i have asked say the stand up to wipe?
How bout u guys?
Now the one that has me the most confused is the subject of floaters
Now my workmates sometimes leave a couple of floater’s in the toilet.
Now what gets me is there is never any toilet paper on top of the shit so how do the bastards wipe their ass?
I asked them and i just got a blank stare “lol”
Do some people not even wipe their ass?
My thoughts are that you should think about something more productive than this ‘shit’.
[quote]Mr Orton wrote:
Now the one that has me the most confused is the subject of floaters
Now my workmates sometimes leave a couple of floater’s in the toilet.
Now what gets me is there is never any toilet paper on top of the shit so how do the bastards wipe their ass?
I asked them and i just got a blank stare “lol”
Do some people not even wipe their ass?
I love these questions.
Reason: the flush is powerful enough to suck the toilet paper down, but alas not powerful enough to pull down the floaters, which remain in the bowl – just long enough for you to find them and be mystified as hell…
Tell your company to install toilets that flush better.
How do u people wipe your ass? Sitting or standing.
I always though wiping your ass while seated was the easiest way but all the people i have asked say the stand up to wipe?
How bout u guys?
Now the one that has me the most confused is the subject of floaters
Now my workmates sometimes leave a couple of floater’s in the toilet.
Now what gets me is there is never any toilet paper on top of the shit so how do the bastards wipe their ass?
I asked them and i just got a blank stare “lol”
Do some people not even wipe their ass?
Neither, I stroll over to the neighbors house with the morning paper and shit in his bushes, when I’m done I wipe with his yapping little mutt he calls a dog, something about the way the dog wiggles when I grab him by the scruff of the neck helps to knock off any larger dingle berries.
[quote]Vegita wrote:
Standing, not sure why, I just do. And when i’m home, the last wipe is with a baby wipe, I keep em by the TP. Makes your butt feel nice and clean.
This does sound quite soothing. Perhaps I will try it.