Do you prefer winstrol or anavar?
I can get real anavar lab tested but never tried. I tried winstrol and the only real side effects I got was being really tired some days where I only had the energy to hit the gym and work, that was it. Crazy pump and got very vascular on winstrol but how is anavar compared to winstrol? I know people avoid winstrol because of the joint pain but I don’t seem to get any joint pain off of it
Milligram for milligram, if I had to choose one for the best muscle building results I would take Winstrol. But I would like to take no more than 20mg/day.
Also, I would stack it with 200mg/wk of testosterone.
And I would try one cycle with both Anavar and Winstrol (stacked with 200mg/wk testosterone)
I preffer winstrol but i like em both.
Provided there is also test included and another injectable, if id have to pick one id go winny for 50-75mgs a day.
I also like 50mgs winny with 30-50mgs of var if lean already.
I would never take orals with test and no other injectable. I hope that you understand that orals solo is even more dumb, so i wont get into that.
First go with Winny was horrible, lots of acne. Have several great cycles with Var tho. Tried inject Winny once and it was pretty painful so I stopped after a week.
I never take orals without a test base ! But thanks for your opinion and will maybe take both or just var to see how my body reacts
Actually same , I got a lot of chest acne and ever since I stopped winny my chest acne is going away. How did you like var? What was your dosages and did you take it twice a day?
Haven’t tried winny. I’ve tried var and tbol though. Like tbol better. Really with both of them I didn’t get negative sides that were perceivable. Var I honestly couldn’t perceive any positive impact. Tbol I felt like I had an extra rep or two that I wouldn’t have had before. Var was dosed at 50 mg per day. Tbol 40 mg per day.
I’m uncertain of the quality of the var, so there’s that.
I’ve run var twice, and definitely have considered Tbol for future use. How many weeks do you personally typically run Tbol for?
I ran it twice in a longer blast. IIRC, I did 4 weeks in the beginning of the blast, and 5 or 6 to finish it off.
I could feel a performance boost on it. Didn’t notice a ton of size. Maybe a bit more vascular though.