Hey guys, as you may have read in my other post, I don’t like winstrol. It has made my joints brittle and I am cutting it short after tomorrow. This has made my cycle complicated, but … that’s the name of the game sometimes, adapt and overcome.
First of all let me say, I think Boldenone is AMAZING SHIT. This is my first cycle and I am growing like a horse for some reason All time high lifts and just packing on the mass. The kiddies are out of school right now so I have had ample time off to do nothing but eat and sleep and train. Anyway, I’m rambling.
I started out on BOLD at 400mg a week and have stepped it up to 600mg. I have a crapload on hand. I wasn’t sure how I would respond to it so I started out easy.
I scrapped the Winny (thanks for the advice) and got 100 10mg anavar tabs. I am thinking about implementing them at the end of the cycle. I wish I could have foreseen the win problems, but I couldn’t so oh well. My cycle (not including PCT) is looking like this:
Does anyone recommend using HCG DURING the cycle? I read KSman talking about that and I had not heard of it before, I need to do more research. I bought 6 5000iu amps.
Any input is appreciated.
I’ve gone from 221 lbs to an ass-naked 236 yesterday and feeling amazing. I have never been this heavy and still able to see abs in the morning… kind of. A substantial amount of this success I owe to the company that makes this amazing thai chili sauce for chicken that I’ve been eating every day.
20mg of var per day is not a very high dose. run it at a minimum of 40mg/d and really most will tell you to run it in the 60-100mg/d range. it is very mild for men so you need to use a pretty big dose to get the strength and body comp changes that it gives.
[quote]FuriousGeorge wrote:
20mg of var per day is not a very high dose. run it at a minimum of 40mg/d and really most will tell you to run it in the 60-100mg/d range. it is very mild for men so you need to use a pretty big dose to get the strength and body comp changes that it gives.
You know I’d personally try to get some deca-durab and inject it right now and start the anavar now so that you can start helping your joints out as much as possible. That is just my thought.
[quote]StandTall wrote:
You know I’d personally try to get some deca-durab and inject it right now and start the anavar now so that you can start helping your joints out as much as possible. That is just my thought.[/quote]
Thanks for the replies. To be honest, since I started taking a hardcore joint supplement my problems have been substantially alleviated. I am taking 2 different joint pills and 3 different liver pills, along with everything else and feeling good.
My anterior deltoid is still a little tender but for some reason it feels REALLY GOOD when I do pull exercises like deadlift. Yesterday I did some deads with 405 after a good warmup and the shoulder feels 10x better.
Well, I have a gram of var to use in some fashion, I’ll keep studying… always so much to study.
yes, even though it is stacked…20mg/d is a medical dose not a cycle dose.
[quote]StandTall wrote:
FuriousGeorge wrote:
20mg of var per day is not a very high dose. run it at a minimum of 40mg/d and really most will tell you to run it in the 60-100mg/d range. it is very mild for men so you need to use a pretty big dose to get the strength and body comp changes that it gives.
[quote]StandTall wrote:
You know I’d personally try to get some deca-durab and inject it right now and start the anavar now so that you can start helping your joints out as much as possible. That is just my thought.[/quote]
I would not do this. Deca does not heal joints! IT MASKS THE PROBLEM BECAUSE OF THE NORESTROGEN. It will make your workouts easier and it will also likely protect you from further damage by keeping your joints lubed but it will not fix the problem. For that you will need joint support supplements and possibly the use of peptides if you have access and the budget.
If your cycle is not designed around Deca in the first place you are likely going to end up with a limp noodle.
[quote]H-Train wrote:
StandTall wrote:
You know I’d personally try to get some deca-durab and inject it right now and start the anavar now so that you can start helping your joints out as much as possible. That is just my thought.
Thanks for the replies. To be honest, since I started taking a hardcore joint supplement my problems have been substantially alleviated. I am taking 2 different joint pills and 3 different liver pills, along with everything else and feeling good.
My anterior deltoid is still a little tender but for some reason it feels REALLY GOOD when I do pull exercises like deadlift. Yesterday I did some deads with 405 after a good warmup and the shoulder feels 10x better.
Well, I have a gram of var to use in some fashion, I’ll keep studying… always so much to study.[/quote]
If it ain’t broke why are you trying to fix it? I would say keep running your cycle and training hard.
[quote]FuriousGeorge wrote:
H-Train wrote:
StandTall wrote:
You know I’d personally try to get some deca-durab and inject it right now and start the anavar now so that you can start helping your joints out as much as possible. That is just my thought.
Thanks for the replies. To be honest, since I started taking a hardcore joint supplement my problems have been substantially alleviated. I am taking 2 different joint pills and 3 different liver pills, along with everything else and feeling good.
My anterior deltoid is still a little tender but for some reason it feels REALLY GOOD when I do pull exercises like deadlift. Yesterday I did some deads with 405 after a good warmup and the shoulder feels 10x better.
Well, I have a gram of var to use in some fashion, I’ll keep studying… always so much to study.
If it ain’t broke why are you trying to fix it? I would say keep running your cycle and training hard.
Best of Luck.
Yes, while I appreciate that dude’s advice, Deca is not an option for me. I will not give up sex, no matter how much it will enhance whatever… and considering I am on an EQ base with no testosterone, that gets a resounding hell no.
I have been doing 30 minutes of stretching every day and getting deep tissue massages, eating all my supplements and drinking a ton of water and it has gotten tons better… i am still on the winny for now. I am gonna add the var in at the end and see how that works out. Thanks.
[quote]H-Train wrote:
FuriousGeorge wrote:
H-Train wrote:
StandTall wrote:
You know I’d personally try to get some deca-durab and inject it right now and start the anavar now so that you can start helping your joints out as much as possible. That is just my thought.
Thanks for the replies. To be honest, since I started taking a hardcore joint supplement my problems have been substantially alleviated. I am taking 2 different joint pills and 3 different liver pills, along with everything else and feeling good.
My anterior deltoid is still a little tender but for some reason it feels REALLY GOOD when I do pull exercises like deadlift. Yesterday I did some deads with 405 after a good warmup and the shoulder feels 10x better.
Well, I have a gram of var to use in some fashion, I’ll keep studying… always so much to study.
If it ain’t broke why are you trying to fix it? I would say keep running your cycle and training hard.
Best of Luck.
Yes, while I appreciate that dude’s advice, Deca is not an option for me. I will not give up sex, no matter how much it will enhance whatever… and considering I am on an EQ base with no testosterone, that gets a resounding hell no.
I have been doing 30 minutes of stretching every day and getting deep tissue massages, eating all my supplements and drinking a ton of water and it has gotten tons better… i am still on the winny for now. I am gonna add the var in at the end and see how that works out. Thanks.
There are lot of guys that swear by var on this thread but I think pretty much all of them will tell you it’s a waste of money to do any less than 40mg/d and most will say you need 60mg+/d to really get the effects you are looking for. I would say get more var or save it for another cycle.
[quote]HandOfGod wrote:
Wheres the testo? Any reasons you airent incorp it in your cycles? Just curiousity on my part.
This is my first cycle. I have always been very sensitive to steroid meds since I was a kid. I wanted something that would keep dry weight on me with less sides. I was curious how I would do first on a less-side effect oriented cycle before I go heavier.
Besides a few very small breakouts on my back and the winny pain that has mostly gone away I feel amazing. My next cycle with definitely have a helping of test E in it, now that I know how my body responds. Maybe I’m overly cautious but it’s just the route I chose. I am definitely running boldenone in every cycle I do from now on if feasible, I love it.
[quote]H-Train wrote:
HandOfGod wrote:
Wheres the testo? Any reasons you airent incorp it in your cycles? Just curiousity on my part.
This is my first cycle. I have always been very sensitive to steroid meds since I was a kid. I wanted something that would keep dry weight on me with less sides. I was curious how I would do first on a less-side effect oriented cycle before I go heavier.
Besides a few very small breakouts on my back and the winny pain that has mostly gone away I feel amazing. My next cycle with definitely have a helping of test E in it, now that I know how my body responds. Maybe I’m overly cautious but it’s just the route I chose. I am definitely running boldenone in every cycle I do from now on if feasible, I love it.
i agree on the eq. if the winny bothers you, lose it, replace it with 20-30mg of var and you will be fine. check out tbol intead of winny, another fine non-aromatizing option.
if you are getting the results you want, stop worriying about what others are talking about, most are just parroting some fool anyhow.