Winstrol depot oral, how much?


I have heard that it is possible to drink winstrol depot amps instead of injecting them. Now I would like to know if I should take 1 amp winstrol depot: 50mg/ ED or EOD? Any suggestions for a cycle. I´m expecting a slow “long lasting” gain, 8-10P(4-5kg???)

Help please

It IS possible to drink Winstrol Depot. You should drink 50mg/day (100 if you can afford it) for 6 days out of the week. It is your choice how…drinking all of it in the morning will be easier on your liver, but your gains will not be as good as if u split the depot into 5 even doses throughout the day. The idea is to keep the roid in your bloodstream constantly. Being that Winstrol is a fairly mild agent, you can probably go 8-10 week cycle, but make sure to have a doc check your liver and watch for some testicle shrinkage. Good luck and happy growing.