Am I right that a bigger back makes your frontal view appearance look wider? Also what are some good back exercises that will do the trick?
have you never read any actuall training articles?
pullups, chinups, pulldowns, rack chins.
GOOGLE and you will find masses of articles on back articles
Your shoulders dude…
If your back get wider than your shoulders you just look like a block of cheese…
make sure you waist is as small as possible and the illusion is complete…
As a narrow shouldered man this is a topic close to my heart. The three keys in my opinion are wide shoulders, wide lats and a tight waist.
Shoulders: can be developed with(my favorite) btn presses done in the smith to no lower than ear level, upright rows done with a wide grip and semi cheated lateral raises with controlled negatives. Also I’ll be experimenting with Larry Scott’s take on the dumbbell press shortly which he endorses as a great width exercise.
Also to be noted is when people view you from the front your rear delts are actually very prominent(if you have any ha) and should be considered very important with regards to width. Wide grip rows and bent over laterals are good along with all your back work.
Lats:whatever exercise you choose make sure you are really trying to exaggerate the stretch as much as possible and real slow on the negative. Rack Chins and a special cable row are my top two choices. Limit trap work if possible as they give the appearance of a bunched of look especially if you have shorter clavicles already.
Waist: This one is simple, dont’ be fat ha. Also it’s likely a waste(no pun intended) unless you are a strength athlete to perform oblique work which will contribute to a wider waist and diminish the v taper.
width in the delts an lats is pretty much genetic.unless u plan to load up on juice an stuff like anadrol,theres very less u can do abt it.
at the most u can build a nice taper by burning away that fat,and work hard at weighted chins an pullups.dbell laterals,militaries.
in most cases u can create an illusion of width by wearing appropriate clothing
[quote]aniketgeete wrote:
width in the delts an lats is pretty much genetic.unless u plan to load up on juice an stuff like anadrol,theres very less u can do abt it.
at the most u can build a nice taper by burning away that fat,and work hard at weighted chins an pullups.dbell laterals,militaries.
in most cases u can create an illusion of width by wearing appropriate clothing[/quote]
I disagree - there is plenty that can be done. The advice given by
another poster earlier outlines the sort of exercises that can be utilised. Coach Thib also has several routines and exercises which can build width and size in the Delt/Lat area. One of these is the Superhero workout.
[quote]inthego wrote:
If your back get wider than your shoulders you just look like a block of cheese…
Tell that to Dorian Yates.
[quote]Der Candy wrote:
inthego wrote:
If your back get wider than your shoulders you just look like a block of cheese…
Tell that to Dorian Yates.[/quote]
Yeah seriously. Go ahead and TRY to make your back wider then your shoulders.
People act like this shit is easy. “Dont train your lats or else they might get too big and youll look blocky”. Please tell me how you train your lats, I want mine to be too big.
Lat width is purely genetic unless you are on steroids? Please. The lats are a muscle and like almost ALL other skeletal muscles have the potential to hypertrophy a good bit beyond their original size…even in a natural trainee. The fact that you are talking about creating an illusion of width by wearing different clothes tells me that you have not been at this very long at all.
Lat width is purely genetic<<
Of course this is correct- it’s ALL predetermined, hence we all are not pro bodybuilders.
[quote]USNS physique wrote:
Lat width is purely genetic<<
Of course this is correct- it’s ALL predetermined, hence we all are not pro bodybuilders.[/quote]
Not exactly true. Ultimate lat width is limited by genetic potential. That is predetermined.
How close you can get to your genetic potential is strictly a factor of training and nutrition.
Big difference.
We could go into that your maximum potential for lat width is predetrmined, but to say it is unchangable from it’s present state(unless you are a national level and up bodybuilder then maybe) is unwise to say the least. But the OP is not even close to that(no effense meant) so that shouldn’t even be part of the discussion yet.
Exhibit A: big lats from the front=wide appearance. Anymore questions?
It kills me how much people need to have things elaborated upon before they get it.
Exhibit B: look how narrow and blocky his 747 wings he calls lats make him appear. Maybe he should have worn his special illusion shirt to appear wide
Thanks for pointing that out Scott. I definitely wouldnt want to look like either of those guys. Girls dont want guys that look like that and you couldnt even get your legs into those sweet hip hugger jeans they sell at abercrombie and fitch.
Off topic(like it really matters) but can everyone see how much Ronnie fell of his game since that picture. He was really “big nasty” then and it’s sad to see how he ended his career.
[quote]scottiscool wrote:
Exhibit B: look how narrow and blocky his 747 wings he calls lats make him appear. Maybe he should have worn his special illusion shirt to appear wide[/quote]
umm… nice pictures and all but they don’t really go against what the guy was saying since he did say “unless u plan to load up on juice an stuff like anadrol”. I seriuosly doubt they are all natural.
Fuck, let me go find a picture of Skip and one of Kyoshi. Hold on.
Yeah, no lats on this guy.