It’s redundant in the sense that any discussion taking place there could have taken place somewhere else.
While I actually like most of posters using it I don’t consider any of them to be ‘elite.’ I don’t know all of them so my opinion might be misinformed.
The point of a forum is interaction. I can’t interact on it and therefore have no use for it and have blocked it.
Even if I could use it, much like BBB I wouldn’t use it because it smacks of pseudo-elitism, which is worse than actual elitism IMO because it’s cheesy.
In conclusion, I am sorry that the bodybuilders have had to put up with so much BS on their forum, but the T-Cells take away from this website as a whole. People that used to interact on the forums are now privately having discussions that exclude most of the population, thus alienating them.
So basically my suggestion would be to take the extra forums and block them out (v-diet, training logs, etc…) and have the moderators monitor what goes on the BB forum so that it is still open to the public AND satisfies the desires of posters that were sick of the off-topic bullshit there.
It could be argued that the discussions on the T-Cell will SO interesting that it’ll be worth it. I doubt it, unless maybe you are an utter noob to lifting. THAT DOESN’T MEAN that the discussions aren’t interesting there, it means that the loss to the other forums isn’t somehow made up by the fact that the interesting discussions that used to be public are now private.
I hope everyone that read that last paragraph comprehends that it is NOT an attack on the posters of the T-Cell, it is merely an observation about what the T-Cell realistically adds and takes away from this site.