[quote]asusvenus wrote:
Grog15 wrote:
bconngemini wrote:
Therizza wrote:
are you stupid, or just trying really hard to look like it?
Are you saying you disagree that the only reason foreigners think soccer is more exciting to watch than football is because they can’t afford the equipment? I bet if you gave any one of those third world countries some war pads like we have in football they’d all drop soccer and start watching the NFL. Its no wonder soccer is popular in poor countries like Argentina, they can’t afford plastic pads, but if they could I think football would be vastly more popular there than soccer, just like in countries that can afford plastic pads.
Not only are you making 09ers look worse with every post you make, but you’re also sounding like an arrogant, ignorant American who looks down on other countries just because you think our version of football is better than their’s.
Nah he’s right, here in Denmark (Read: 3rd world country) we really can’t afford the padding, therefor football must suck balls.
It just hasn’t reached the rest of the world yet.
Football doesn’t require expensive equipment to play with your friends. It’s probably cheaper than baseball, and the same price as soccer or rugby. The only thing thats required is a football.
As a little kid we played everywhere with anything from the $1 miniature footballs to T-Shirts. Played in streets, or indoors between any space big enough to fit people in.
There’s many flag football leagues here, and you can find people setting up at company picnics with a small game of two hand touch. Some play tackle with no padding (just have to tackle differently, probably ends up more like rugby tackles --I don’t know)
I have to admit though it took me a long time to be able to watch, it wasn’t until I went to college and many of the football players were close friends that I started watching. As i got older I started to realize the raw athletecism these guys have and it’s quite amazing. A good D1 D Lineman can easily be 300+ and blazing fast within 10 yard, and could still probably chase down most non footall athletes.