I’m coming home from my workout the other day, and I pass by my cousins house. My uncle is there, and he’s a bit off an ass. He’s a know it all. Anyway, I come in and throw some surge in my shaker bottle and drink it up. Then I go and throw some oatmeal in the microwave so it heats up for later on. I’m sweating and tired from the workout and I go to sit down. All the while, my uncle is watching me. Tells me- what the hell do you tire yourself out for? There’s plenty of people who look good without working out. Go get a construction job. And…why drink that crap? Thats not real food. Why bother eating all “healthy food” when you’re gonna live just as long as me? You shouldn’t be living out of a blender. Usually this dosen’t bother me, as I get some sort of crap for working out from a lot of people in my family and friends, but he does it with this “my shit don’t stink” attitude. Now, I’m wondering, what would you guys have thrown back at him, and all these other people that give us crap for doing what we do? Like… what are your reasons for eating right/ working out? And what would I say would happen if you didn’t work out?
I would have taken my top off, and said whatever you say couch potato boy!
A good response to that sort of person is something along the lines of, “Hey, how about a quick test of strength?” You could ask him to name ANY feat of strength. When he gives you a suggestion, immediately best him. Then act bored and sit down. Tell him that you can hear his arteries clogging. Ask him to listen and make a swooshing noise under your breath. Tell him those are your arteries that are wide open and pulsating with life-giving blood. Tell him that you had a construction job for a while and that you were not physically challenged. If all that fails to quite his noise, bring home three hot women and have them all say in unison, “I only like The Edge because he is so physically fit.” That should do it. Hope I have helped.
Next time he asks just say “Because its what I do.” For most of us lifting is a part of who we are. We wouldn’t want to stop doing it anymore than we would want to stop breathing. While it may only be a hobby for most of us it still takes more dedication than most other hobbies you could name. Why, he asks? Its just one of those things.
Yup. Are they still around? Dispite the soft news orginzations running all the studies on what regular exercise does for you, we still have people like you uncle. Sorry.
Do you tell your uncle and your friends how to live? Don’t defend what you do! Get to the roof of the problem and them them that you have the right to live your life as you choose. And ended with the every popular reply: “So, if I want your opion I will beat it out of you.” Just kidding.
Best of Luck.
You can explain with as much wit,style and common sense as possible. But in the end, they’ll never ever understand. So, just leave it at that. Let that stuff go from one ear out the next. And keep doing what makes you happy - and fit.
Assuming your uncle’s out of shape (as he most likely is), you can use my line, which is “Thanks for that advice, because you know, I want to look exactly like you.” Then glance significantly at his stomach, pipestem arms or whatever. I’ve never had anyone say anything a second time to me once I’ve used this. (Of course, it’s also true that I’ve reduced my list of acquaintances with it, but WTH.)
I have the same problem essentially. My family gives me a lot of crap for how serious I am about lifting. One response is “Wait, wait, hold on… (pause) … Do you know know what I’m hearing right now? (pause and wait for moment of silence) Nothing, because I don’t listen to bullshit.” Sometimes that comment is a little too strong. Often I’m called “obsessed” and I counter with, “What you call obsession is what I call discipline.” Mainly they don’t understand why I eat so much. That’s a tough one to explain. I’ve tried the food is fuel for my body line but to no avail. Only thing I’ve come up with for that one is, “I prefer eating healthy food as opposed to greasy fried food and ice cream. I eat large quantities of food because I enjoy eating.” I’m still working on the food response.
The great polar explorer Ranulph Fiennes was asked why he kept putting himself through all the agonies that go with being an explorer.His reply was " if you have to ask you"ll never understand".Same goes here.
Well said.
Yeah, I remember an old ad in the cycling mags that went something like this:
He pushes himself beyond the edge of exhaustion almost every day. He spends more days on the road than home. He mows his legs more often than his lawn. If you don’t understand the psychology, you’ll never understand the sacrifice.
Kind of along the same lines.
Tell people you do it to make up for your other inadequacies.
I get this crap all of the time from the guys I work with, especially when I’m not drinking alcohol. It only really bugs me when the fat guy is the one saying it. I just blow it off and say, “hey, it’s what I do so what the hell do you care.” Besides, anyone who sees them can honestly see that they talk shit because they can’t do it. It’s like the other line I use, “Jealousy and envy will get you nowhere.”
They are the people who dont much about it. I mean its no stranger than getting in a car and going in the 1/4 mile 5 seconds, that to me is strange. Arnold from pumping Iron the movie.
That is a great response! Effortless to use too.