I have seen a tremendous amount of political debate on this forum, much of it consisting of why the “other side” is bad, and it’s going in never-ending circles. I’m interested in better understanding why someone’s views and ideas would, if implemented, make the country a better place (as opposed to why someone else’s would make it worse).
For example, Lumpy is a committed leftist and has definably socialist viewpoints. So, Lumpy, why would (for example) universal, “free” healthcare for everyone make America better? Explain how it will be paid for, what the incentive will be to provide better service in the absence of competition, etc. Ditto for other issues that you support, such as “living” wage, environmental protection, “fair” taxation of the “rich,” etc.
Ditto for ZEB or thunderbolt, who are committed to their conservative/libertarian views. Why doesn’t everyone have the right to free healthcare (or housing or a living wage or whatever)? Why are we better off letting individual charity, the free market and competition take care of it, and thereby risking leaving some out? Why shouldn’t the government exercise control over our lives to the extent that it maintains order in society? Shouldn’t we allow “experts” who are better educated than we to help us manage things like public education, the environment, commerce, etc.? Why not? Why shouldn’t the tax burden be more heavily weighted to those who can afford it?
Please explain and support YOUR views; DO NOT lambaste someone else’s. I (and probably others) am interested in the reasoning and/or historical basis behind your positions. Tell us how they would make our beloved USA a better place. DO NOT explain to us for the 2,759,842nd time why Bush/Kerry equals God/Spawn of Satan. We get it, already!