FLOTUS: Drink More Water

First Lady Michelle Obama is under fire – again – this time for suggesting that American drink more water.

Now, that might not sound so controversial. But it’s not so much what FLOTUS said as what she didn’t say. Mainly, that American should drink more water and less soda, which is the message that some in the health community wish the first lady had delivered.

“I’ve come to realize that if we were going to take just one step to make ourselves and our families healthier, probably the single best thing we could do is to simply drink more water,” Obama said in a statement.

Gee thanks Michelle, I don’t know how I got this far until you came.

OKAAYYYY, Let Karado cut the Mustard with TRUTH.

Yes yes yes ladies and Gentlemen, let me direct you the FOUNDATION of this ghetto horseshit she’s spewing.

Your welcome…Please PLEASE People…No Autographs, you’re too kind…Oh no please Sir, wait til your daughter’s
18 THEN you may give her to me, I do have SOME morals ya know.

Your telling me in a debt crisis with POTUS on the edge of becoming a war criminal the best thing she can think of is to SPEND MORE MONEY telling people to drink water. This is not somalia. We have water readily available, people understand that water is vital to life. They just dont understand drink carbonated water (Soda) doesnt fit their need. Thanks alot FLOTUS for truly saving american society!

This is just one symptom of the disease that is liberalism. Left wing “intellectuals” thinking they know what is best for everyone despite not having even rudimentary knowledge of the subject at hand.

She could say breath deeply and be criticized , Nancy Reagan was the real culprit and did big harm to America with just say no.

What the fuck?

Some of you would complan if she held a press conference and said, “Hi guys, I just wanted to say I love all you republicans more than my own kids”

…and we would get a post here about how she is a bad parent.

I’ll bite (but I’m sure I’ll regret it…)

“…POTUS on the edge of becoming a war criminal…???”


[quote]Professor X wrote:
What the fuck?

Some of you would complan if she held a press conference and said, “Hi guys, I just wanted to say I love all you republicans more than my own kids”

…and we would get a post here about how she is a bad parent.

I’m so glad that out of ALL the problems with America (see THE ECONOMY, LACK OF JOBS, INCREASING WELFARE AND FOODSTAMP ROLLS), she plans to tackle that “epidemic” of people not drinking enough water.

“Because it will help with the 66% of Americans (200 Million people) who are overweight and obese…”

Professor, the point is, why the fuck does government insist on trying to be daddy and tell me what to do ?

I REALLY need someone to tell me to drink more water ?

Holy shit, let me write this wisdom down.

[quote]MaximusB wrote:

[quote]Professor X wrote:
What the fuck?

Some of you would complan if she held a press conference and said, “Hi guys, I just wanted to say I love all you republicans more than my own kids”

…and we would get a post here about how she is a bad parent.

I’m so glad that out of ALL the problems with America (see THE ECONOMY, LACK OF JOBS, INCREASING WELFARE AND FOODSTAMP ROLLS), she plans to tackle that “epidemic” of people not drinking enough water.

“Because it will help with the 66% of Americans (200 Million people) who are overweight and obese…”

Professor, the point is, why the fuck does government insist on trying to be daddy and tell me what to do ?

I REALLY need someone to tell me to drink more water ?

Holy shit, let me write this wisdom down.[/quote]

This is a joke post, right?

Telling people to drink more water is now telling you what to do?

Please, dude.

There are ALWAYS more important things to talk about. That doesn’t mean what she said was wrong or that she should only be discussing what you want her to all of the time.

If she said, “kill your kids with water” then I could see the anxiety.

Out of all the things to be pissed off about the Obama’s this is what we’re picking?

Jesus fucking Christ America NEEDS to drink more water. No we don’t need her telling us to do that, but I can’t imagine being pissed off about it. I live in rural fucking Kansas surrounded by obesity everywhere. Three quarters of the people in Wal-Mart here get gassed walking down the aisles. And we’re pissed someone is encouraging people to make a healthy choice?

I could fill pages with stuff I think the President and his wife need to do differently, but I have no idea why encouraging people to drink more water would be one of them.

[quote]Forestfolly wrote:
Your telling me in a debt crisis with POTUS on the edge of becoming a war criminal the best thing she can think of is to SPEND MORE MONEY telling people to drink water. This is not somalia. We have water readily available, people understand that water is vital to life. They just dont understand drink carbonated water (Soda) doesnt fit their need. Thanks alot FLOTUS for truly saving american society! [/quote]

Lol which is it? Everyone already knows this so why say it? Or people don’t know this so she needs to make sure she says drink more water but make sure that water is not carbonated?

For fucks sake on a bodybuilding message board people are mad about this?

[quote]H factor wrote:
Out of all the things to be pissed off about the Obama’s this is what we’re picking?

Jesus fucking Christ America NEEDS to drink more water. No we don’t need her telling us to do that, but I can’t imagine being pissed off about it. I live in rural fucking Kansas surrounded by obesity everywhere. Three quarters of the people in Wal-Mart here get gassed walking down the aisles. And we’re pissed someone is encouraging people to make a healthy choice?

I could fill pages with stuff I think the President and his wife need to do differently, but I have no idea why encouraging people to drink more water would be one of them. [/quote]

Ditto. I dont care about this at all. It’s rather like a sore–it annoys you so much that after time just looking at it annoys you, for no other reason. I remember posts like this when GWB was president by the liberal posters on the board at the time. It just goes in circles.

Everyone knows it’s dangerous to drink and drive.

And yet people do it on a fairly frequent rate.

This is probably the most ridiculous reason to hate on the Obamas that I’ve ever seen.

[quote]magick wrote:

This is probably the most ridiculous reason to hate on the Obamas that I’ve ever seen.[/quote]


[quote]Mufasa wrote:
I’ll bite (but I’m sure I’ll regret it…)

“…POTUS on the edge of becoming a war criminal…???”


I was just trying to add flare, but technically if Obama had decided or still does decide to strike Syria w/o the UN Security Council’s approval it would be a rouge act of war. But the UN would never do anything.

All this malarkey is just a good way to get my posts up lol.

I think the point is that TAX DOLLARS WERE SPENT to deliver such and OBVIOUS, and relatively unimportant, half assed message.

The fact is, Michelle Obama has more staff than most fortune 500 CEO’s. Michelle Obama's Staff - FactCheck.org That’s OUR money being pissed away. The first lady has ONE job: fuck the president. We didn’t elect her, we don’t care about her opinion on foreign policy, nor do we give a flying fuck how her arms look in her latest two thousand dollar dress.

In times like these, when our national debt is beyond most people’s ability to actually comprehend, is a message like this REALLY important enough to have fucking press conference about? (and incurring the cost of the security to hold such a press conference?) Especially, if she just stops there and fails to urge people to stop drinking sugary beverages? I mean, what’s the fucking point of doing it at all if you’re going to deliver a half assed message?

I’ll tell you why: POLITICS. If you tell your base of fat, lazy, stupid entitled liberals drinking free soda and eating junk they get for free from the food stamps and welfare you give them to STOP, the plebes will get angry. It would be akin to a Roman senator giving the masses WHOLE WHEAT bread and circus… People would complain and <<>> MIGHT actually pay attention to a REAL issue or two.

The LAST thing this administration wants is for people to start paying attention. THAT’s the reason Michell Obama is so active. So some of the press band width is taken up by stupid stories about her arms, her outfit, her advise on drinking water, and her ethnicity as opposed her husband’s complete FAILURE to lead this country. She’s just a sparkly thing that the Main Stream Media can be dazzled by and talk about as opposed to any REAL issues.

I’m feelin’ 'ya, AC…

But being fat, lazy, stupid, and entitled…and being on food stamps and Welfare…is not the exclusive domain of Liberals…


It’s sad when the only salvageable part of a 2 term presidency is that his wife less of an idiot. The water thing is relatively innocuous, but in light of the rest of the presidency I get a “Why doesn’t she just shut the fuck up” kind of feeling.

[quote]Professor X wrote:

[quote]MaximusB wrote:

[quote]Professor X wrote:
What the fuck?

Some of you would complan if she held a press conference and said, “Hi guys, I just wanted to say I love all you republicans more than my own kids”

…and we would get a post here about how she is a bad parent.

I’m so glad that out of ALL the problems with America (see THE ECONOMY, LACK OF JOBS, INCREASING WELFARE AND FOODSTAMP ROLLS), she plans to tackle that “epidemic” of people not drinking enough water.

“Because it will help with the 66% of Americans (200 Million people) who are overweight and obese…”

Professor, the point is, why the fuck does government insist on trying to be daddy and tell me what to do ?

I REALLY need someone to tell me to drink more water ?

Holy shit, let me write this wisdom down.[/quote]

This is a joke post, right?

Telling people to drink more water is now telling you what to do?

Please, dude.

There are ALWAYS more important things to talk about. That doesn’t mean what she said was wrong or that she should only be discussing what you want her to all of the time.

If she said, “kill your kids with water” then I could see the anxiety.[/quote]

There are some people not even worth wasting your time replying to…this idiot is one. You KNOW you are dealing with some fucking crazies when someone saying to drink more water is politicized and controversial. These guys have blown past the point of being caricatures of themselves…I remember when Colbert and Stan Smith used to be the cover boys for that…they don’t hold a candle to the useless idiots of PWI…

[quote]H factor wrote:
I could fill pages with stuff I think the President and his wife need to do differently, but I have no idea why encouraging people to drink more water would be one of them. [/quote]

Because the morons that somehow manage to wake up and log onto their computer every day want to bitch about something? I really have no idea how some of these idiots get by in their day to day lives…

Drinking water is now controversial lol…It really is funny to see how far some of these guys will go…I can’t imagine what’s next…pure gold