Why Are T Nation Men So Chubby?


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Uhmmm… that’s crazy talk! :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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I’m chubby because I still have not fully accepted that I will NEVER be close to as strong as Big Z or Kaz, but I continue with my relentless pursuit of strength, even though I’m not strong.:man_facepalming:

Maybe you could settle for only being as strong as the 5x World’s Strongest Man and then you could be jacked too!


Or Perhaps the guy who BEAT Big Z at Fortissimus


Yes. I could “settle” for being as strong as Poundstone or Mariusz and weighing 330 lbs. with visible abs!


When fat women are on the cover of women’s fitness magazines, and “fatphobia” is treated like racism, then yes, this is a thing.

This is wildly off the mark my dude.


OK, agreed. Attacking people as fatphobics didn’t last very long.

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Oh, it’s still in full swing and getting worse.



In case folks want to compare their results or variance among various equations. Could also compare with Inbody/Dexa/etc.

0.46 or 0.5 cutoff still simple and useful for waist to height.


Do you think hypertrophy of the abs and obliques significantly impact this measurement, or is it not a concern for most regular people. For reference, my height is 69.75” and my most recent waist measurement was 33”, so it’s not something a concern right now.

Someone would have to have the wildest genetics on earth for hypertrophy of the abs and obliques to have a significant impact on this measurement to the point of skewing the curve.

I’ve been doing heavy resistance training for 2 decades, with a focus specifically geared toward lifting maximal loads. I’ve had over 900lbs on my back on multiple occasions. I have a blocky waist and short torso. But when I trim away the fat, my waist is still tapered enough

You’d have to be like the worst X-man ever if you had these genetics.

Meaning Fred Dukes



Lol that’s what I figured, but I asked the question anyway.

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“Did you call me Blob?”


Amen! As a 55YO I have now given up on any kind of bulk/mass phase. I have come to the harsh reality that at this point I am topped out in the amount of muscle I can cleanly gain and I end up only getting thicker and softer in the waist. I look much better at 195-205 than I do at 215 or more.


It can be a tough choice to make, for sure, but it’s a wise one!

I’ve spent more years than I like to think about doing part of what it took to get lean, but not doing the other part. At times I was training hard, but did not have the diet locked in, other times I had the diet locked in but was not training nearly the way I needed to in order to get the results I want it. I have been chasing 10% body fat for close to the last 20 years and I just now, in the last six months, got it right and put everything together. A high intensity CrossFit WOD very early in the morning, followed by a run at midday focused on heart rate and time rather than distance. Combine those two with and 18/6 intermittent fast and strict keto, even on the weekends. Throw in being almost militant about my sleep hygiene and starting TRT treatments and I have dropped from 20% body fat to 13% since this past July. My objective is to see just how far down I can push my body fat. If I can get into high single digits, I will be ecstatic. If I have to give up a bit of muscle mass and lose a bit of strength and power in this process, I am willing to sacrifice that because I think that regaining that strength and regaining that power will not be a problem. I think sacrificing drinking a beer, or having a burger or pizza with the boys (they’re all college and tactical strength coaches who just aren’t as worried about as I am), and sacrificing a bit of social life to obtain my goal is totally worth it.
I think I would rather get as lean as I possibly can and then add strength and power while keeping my diet under control and maintaining my conditioning program will be the way to go. I think getting down to 7 or 8% body fat and then being willing to get back up to about 10% body fat and maintaining that while training strength and power will be the sweet spot.

I prefer my strategy.

Lots of milkshakes and pop tarts, moderate alcohol consumption, heavy lifting, and genetics.

I can only assume this would work for everyone.


Winner winner chicken dinner.

You sarcastic and genetically blessed SOB :laughing: