So, anytime I take low dose mast or even 6.25mg aromasin, .25mg of arimidex…I get horrible joint pain, headache, frequent urination, and my small gyno nearly disappears. My joints feel like I got hit by a truck and my head pounds all day with a terrible migraine.
To me this feels exactly like crashed e2…I have not had bloodwork to confirm in about 1.5 years though.
Problem is it seems to happen with any dose of these things. On 250-300mg test a week even 100mg of mast will cause these and really do a number on me. Makes me super lethargic and tired plus all above symptoms. Not sure if I’m an overesponder? Any ideas? Gets tough trying to run 500mg test when 6.25mg aromasin causes these symptoms for 3-4 days. Funnily enough the mast lcauses all the same symptoms except doesnt effect me quite as negatively mentally, probably because it only blocks certain e2 receptors?
Maybe I should try injecting test ED to lower e2spikes?? Thanks!
I don’t know how helpful the responses you get will be without getting blood work done to confirm low E2. It’s basically guesswork without it. You may be one of the few unlucky souls with bunk Testosterone and are killing your E2 everytime you take an AI. You won’t know until you draw bloods.
What symptoms are you having that warrants taking AI’s for?
I don’t take an ai usually but I want to use the mast to drop water and dry up as I finish out my cut. The symptoms are emotional, hot flashes, gyno doubles in size, smoothed over with water. I only ever really use AI when I was feeling above symptoms and on 600mg test. I injected 200mg mast with my 2-300mg test and same exact symptoms occur. This happened when I had blood work to show my test is real. I also frequently use prescribed pharma test so cannot be that.
Last time I took an ai was 3 months ago
Bloodwork on mast shouldn’t reflect in actual serum esrtradiol levels
I am more curious if there could be another issue not related to e2 causing this but it seems the only equivalent factor between all of these is possible effects on e2
in order to know IF there is any other issue, you should be able to cross out the most common one…
the fact that we would GUESS some of the potential issues, doesnt change the fact that your ONLY choise now is to check bloods…
because it looks like you want us to give you some potential problems so you can try to buy other drugs and fix those, in hopes it would help and you would not need to go and check the E2 in your blood even tho the E2 should have been checked BEFORE you made this topic.
Maybe I could be the first one to show mast does effect e2 levels(which it never has for most anyone) since on 200mg or 500mg of test my bloodwork for years has always been above the 50pg/ml mark on estradiol.
Considering I haven’t taken an AI in months and use pharmaceutical test BUT have only introduced masteron to my already stable bloods, maybe I just stopped aromatizing right
Ok, here is another tought… you feel good without AI and mast, but if u smell one of them, you are all fucked up, right?
Sooo… maybe just dont take em? I mean, why do u need it in the first place? Why make this problem and try to fix it? Low dose mast doesnt do shit worth for any trouble.
That’s correct, I asked the question in the thread to why I might be so sensitive to dig deeper into the causes for my symptoms. Why does 50mg of mast crash me(theoretically)on 200-500mg of test just the same? Many people can run 4-600mg masteron without the debilitating symptoms I manifest. I am looking deeper to find out why: is it taking shbg too low, dht related issue, etc. I know bloodwork is the best option and I will be getting some in a few weeks but in the meantime I am trying to figure things out for my own interest since it does not seem to be a common issue with most others.
I like the cosmetic and mental effects of masteron and most dht drugs that is why I desire to use it. It also shrinks my gyno much better than AI or tamoxifen
georgie have you ever tried microdoses(0.125-0.25mg) of anastrozole?
That is the only AI I have ever taken and it works great for me. I have no sides and have never crashed my E2 with it.
Knowing your SHGB would be a good thing to know since it binds free T and free E2.
If you have some level of gyno knowing your prolactin would be worth tracking since extended time over ranged E2 and prolactin is what makes gyno in the first place.
Yes it crashes me at .25mg for like a couple days on500mg test (only time I had bloodwork e2 was still like 27 pg/ml if I recall so not crashed actually) so maybe I’m just sensitive to e2 changes?
I have also used it at I think .125mg. Think I split a 1mg pill like 8 times.
Never used pharmacy arimidex though only aromas in so there’s that aspect
Also^ Prolactin was naturally 17 before ever using gear I’d need to dig for some results on that.
In the past trying deca 500mg a week I would often lactate some YEAH I’m sure my prolactin isn’t ideal lol. Caber fixed that up but I hate the idea of using a DA
So currently I’ve been cutting on 200mg test for the last 9 weeks. I experience mast effects at around 200mg but it always seems to effect my e2 after long without fail.
Due to work and autoimmune issues I have been on a keto and carnivore diet and took 8 weeks off the gym. So with diet alone I dropped about 30lbs this cut.
About 10 days ago I upped the test to 300, added 10mcg clen and also began cardio again. Then around 6 days ago I added masteron in at 300mg (trying to be 1:1 with test). I injected mast E last about 4 days ago. So it’s been almost a week since first Jab of mast. The first few days where fine now it has progressively gotten worse and peaked about day before yesterday. I am slowly recovering physically. My joints literally feel like I got hit by a golf cart, my head pounds all day, my back and shoulder feel like injuries, my elbows ache, my sleep is so bad (AHI on sleep apnea machine actually doubled over last few days) and I just feel pissed off all the time due to the pain.
Funnily, the mental effects/confidence are still there just slightly hampered by the mood changes such physical pain can cause lol.
IF I crash myself with an AI I not only have ALL the above symptoms, I also become the most depressed and useless human possible. No drive or will to do anything. So at least with mast it’s just a physical representation of low e2. (My theory is since mast selectively blocks some e2 it is causing it in certain places?)
I’ve since been back to the gym since 8 weeks without and ready to get my cardio going and drop these last pounds before going on a cycle. That’s why I added mast/clen just this last week.
I know I’ve lost muscle but hey I lost 32lbs (175 now and tiny I know, 5’9”) and I did it all via diet and had a great deload and got a lot of work done, as well as improved my autoimmune and allergy issues by 75% or so. I’m sure I’ll be back to benching 315+ in no time lmao! And no I’m not saying my physique is impressive but I’ve been on 200mg test up until last week and haven’t touched the gym until last week for over 2 months
Masteron was medically used to treat breast cancer due to its antiestrogenic properties. So… its makes perfect sense that you are A) Sensative/side effect prone to low E2 and B) AIs and Mast cause this.