Why Am I So Sensitive to AI and Mast?

Me too.

Me too.

I was like you until I recently quit AIs out of pure desperation. After 1.5 years, yes 1.5 years!!! of messing around with AIs, trying all different frequencies and amounts, I recently said, “Screw it! I’m just gonna inject 71mgs Test every day (500/wk) and not touch AIs, no matter how bad it gets.

Week 1 - every high E2 symptom in the book
Week 2 - felt better, but still looked like crap
Week 3 - feel and look the best I’ve ever felt and looked on AAS.

Give it a try. Push through the first two weeks. I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised week 3.


Ok brother I’ll give it a shot. Just a shame that I won’t get to use the mast for its effects! Oh well

you can try Proviron, which some people call “oral masteron”.
it is supposed to do the same thing only milder, but for me, it kills my dick, which is weird, because it is supposed to treat ED and libido issues. For me, it boosts libido, but i go limp mid-process.
but its not too expensive, you can try a few tabs, maybe youll like it.

Same effects as any ai after a few days. Tried it before at like 25-50mg a day. Helped gyno a bit and at first great mood then crashed me and my joints killed me lol
Think I’m just done with AI’s
Anyone think I can’t run primo then because of the effects? Kinda an expensive risk to take if I can’t run it

I believe ai and stuff like finasteride are being used in too high of dosages by many. My e2 was almost below lab levels on trt (150 mg/wk), and .125 mg of adex twice a week. Even with blast dose testosterone, I don’t think much is needed for most guys (maybe if you are getting on stage and need to be dry).

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I think it depends on if you are sensitive to free E2.
Most guys with superlow SHGB will have big issues with E2 higher than mid range. Do to not having enough SHGB to bind and make it neutral. Guys with mid to high SHGB seem to be able to tolerate a lot of E2 since they just piss the bound E2 out not effecting their mood or even giving them gyno.

My SHGB is 15 and I have to take anastrozole weekly. .125mg/w if my TRT dose is 100/w
MY TRT doc did not believe me either so I ran a test for him. 120mg/w T cyp no AI here was the results after 40 days so the T cyp could hit steady state.

my e2 is twice the norm on 400mg test without 1mg of anastrozole DAILY. whole fcking tab, every day…
on 400mg test, now with 1mg anastrozole a day and 700mg EQ a week, my e2 is mid-range normal.

This is far from the norm. It shows we are all different animals but shouldn’t be used as a gauge for the typical guy.

I am not against AI use if it is warranted. I do think you are an outlier. I can run 600 mg/wk test and not need an AI. I hardly even bloat. No nipple issues. Maybe I am lucky?


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i dont bloat much either… and i never had any nipple issues, even when my e2 was around 300 when norm is 10-30 (we have different measurements here, so im just giving numbers and normal range)… but it took me forever to cum, like i needed good 40 minutes of intense fucking and sometimes my cardio would give out first anyways… that was the only side i got, but i figured that it is not GOOD to walk with such shitty e2…

what im saying is - you cant always go by feel…you need actual bloodwork. if that is good, then - you are lucky… i would definetly love to drop AI and save some money :smiley:

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Drop all AI’s. Take 10-20mg of nolvadex/day. If that doesn’t solve your problem then nothing will. Tried and tested approach to manage excess E2 without tanking.

Tam is only for PCT and managing Gyno.

[quote=“lordgains, post:33, topic:273342, full:true”]
Tam is only for PCT and managing Gyno.
. Serm’s like clomid and nolva were extensively used, successfully on cycle, by pro’s before AI’s became available.
AI’s clearly aren’t working for the OP.What would you suggest then?

Bloodwork, don’t use mast, don’t use AIs. I also don’t know what the E2 spikes are the OP mentioned. Maybe therein lies the problem. But if not, then just no AI would be better.