hmm…What should I restrict? Chocolate or Chicken? lol
[quote]Mick28 wrote:
Tx5000 wrote:
hmm…What should I restrict? Chocolate or Chicken? lol
Hey, you’re making fun of a fat person.
Isss that a bad thing?? Really, I’m not sure I’d get through the day without making some kind of comment about one of them …does that make me a bad guy?
You know what, this one is just too easy.
Fat girls need love too…
[quote]skaz05 wrote:
Fat girls need love too…[/quote]
All the more to love…More cushion for the pushin’
i think the think about ‘people with large amounts of stored energy’ is that they must have a sertain element of greed in their personality to have gotten themselves to the state they are in and greed is a very undesirable quality. Also, as with smokers, weather they realise it or not they are a drain on medical resorces especially in the UK where every tax payer foots the bill for the willfully unhealthy.
[quote]Mick28 wrote:
Way too much on this topic.
Holy hell. You have thought about this a lot haven’t you?
[quote]Mick28 wrote:
dennis3k wrote:
Mick28 wrote:
Tx5000 wrote:
hmm…What should I restrict? Chocolate or Chicken? lol
Hey, you’re making fun of a fat person.
Isss that a bad thing?? Really, I’m not sure I’d get through the day without making some kind of comment about one of them …does that make me a bad guy?
Are you a bad guy? Hmm…I’ll think about that and answer it later on in the post if you don’t mind.
Rather the question should be asked: Are you, and I not weak? And if we are weak, why are we so weak? Is this a character flaw? A moral dilemma of sorts?
Bear with me on this…
If I point and laugh at someone for the way they look (I’m not saying you do this) I’m doing so because I look better, and I am trying to make myself feel superior for some reason. I’m certainly not trying to help the person by making them feel badly about being overweight. Although some may argue that if everyone laughed at the person they would actually try to lose weight. But, I don’t buy that argument for a multitude of reasons which I will not delve into here.
I do think that most fat people can help themselves and that there is no underlying medical problem which is causing their obesity.
Yet, they don’t…
It seems that the obese have an obvious weakness, or character flaw if you will that plagues them. And their weakness, or flaw is on display daily by the way they look. I can’t imagine that most are happy about this.
I would be displaying my weakness by pointing and laughing at them (again, I’m not saying that you do this).
Also, it seems perfectly acceptable to make fun of people who seem to be able to help themselves but can’t. But unacceptable to make fun of someone who is different but is physically unable to change.
Or is that the case?
If someone calls a black person a “ni----” they are attempting to belittle that person for their color through a horrible racist word. And that’s unacceptable.
If you make fun of someone because they’re old you don’t seem to suffer any consequences at all. Yet, that person can no more help being old than the black person can change their skin color.
Yet, one is acceptable and one is not.
The fat person, the skinny person, the person with a big nose or big ears all have something in common. They don’t look very attractive (in most cases) because of a physical problem. Yet, I think we are all more tolerant of the person who has large ears than one who is obese. Obviously, we see the big eared person as one who cannot change his looks. And the obese person as someone who can change by eating less, but won’t. Therefore, we deem them to be lazy, stupid or somehow uncaring about their physical appearance. This may or may not be true. But that seems to be our snap judgement. And because of that some believe that they are worthy of our scorn and ridicule.
But, we know for sure that when we make fun of a fat person, at least to their face, that we are being cruel, and are certainly not trying to help the person with training or diet pointers.
I also know that on this site it’s perfectly acceptable and in fact encouraged to make fun of fat people. So I guess the original poster is just following the norms of the forum. So I can understand the post.
Where am I going with this?
I think poking fun of the obese comes from the same part of the brain as does the earlier remark about the black person, or a negative remark about a gay person. Or, even abusing someone verbally because they happen to be old.
It somehow makes the verbal attacker feel superior. And I wonder why anyone would have to feel superior at the expense of someone else, whether the person who is being made fun of could help themselves, such as a fat person, or had no recourse, such as an old person.
What is in us (and I’m guilty of it too) that causes us to want to inflict pain on those who are different in order to try to give our own self-image a boost? Is it simply basic insecurities, part of what makes us all human? Are we that morally corrupt?
Anyway, to answer your question; if you are a “bad person” then I think we are all just as bad.
Huge ass difference.
You said BELITTLE a black person.
vs. MAKE FUN of a fat person.
Call a black person a ni___ nobodies laughing. It is used as an attack.
People make fun of black people all the time look at Ali G shows and the like.
I don’t find this thread too funny anyway. I have no problem making fun of fat people but the jokes just weren’t good.
[quote]wukey wrote:
Also, as with smokers, weather they realise it or not they are a drain on medical resorces especially in the UK where every tax payer foots the bill for the willfully unhealthy.[/quote]
Actually not true with smokers…they die younger and faster (therefore cheaper on the system) than non-smokers.
[quote]skaz05 wrote:
Fat girls need love too…
They just got to pay.