[quote]subdivision wrote:
Sxio wrote:
shizen wrote:
Being special forces really takes a certain type of person, good luck but its really not for many.
Very true but they’re both teenagers, they’re not going to listen.
But they will give the same advice themselves in a year or two.
I’m 22, and when they were pulling my job at the meps they asked if I wanted to go to Ranger school, I said yes because I wanted to go as far as I could. Any constructive advice is appriciated. [/quote]
Well, I’d look at your contract and check out all the Special Ops boards you can. I assume you have a spot reserved for the Ranger Indoctrination Program, which you might lose depending on what happens during basic, AIT and Airborne. You would be sent to Ranger School when it suits your Battalion’s needs.
Anyway, sorry to hijack the thread - and make sure to train right. If you’re still in school, join a sport, and if you’re working, consider taking a job like bricklaying. Lift, run, swim, hike with weight and try to injury-proof your body (read everything by Cressey and Robertson)
[quote]JokerFMJ wrote:
John S. wrote:
JokerFMJ wrote:
If you’re going in as supply I highly suggest going as Supply in the USAF.
That is what I was thinking. The only problem is USAF is not taking prior service right now, but when my 2 year limit is up hopefully they will, if not I will see If I can just go in and do there basic.
When was the last time you talked to a recruiter? FY08 is a much more open year in the AF than FY07 was because the retention/loss goals are on schedule.[/quote]
I talked to them in december. I will go ahead and call them again, thanks for letting me know.
[quote]subdivision wrote:
HoratioSandoval wrote:
subdivision wrote:
I just signed up. I ship out in August to train to be a medic in the Army Rangers. Have fun at the meps.
They’re giving medics Ranger contracts nowadays? Cool. Good luck. And BTW you know about the whole pipeline thing right? Make you know what’s expected of you and what will derail you. Your training as a medic is guaranteed - you only get a slot reserved for Airborne, and if you make it through that, RIP. For some reason a lot of my RIP class couldn’t swim. Oops.
Pipeline thing? This is new to me. Any suggestions for how to prepare for Ranger school would be greatly appriciated. [/quote]
If I were you, I’d concentrate on getting out of Ft. Sam without stepping on your face, and then falling out of an airplane 5 times, followed by 4 of the worst weeks of your life at RIP, followed by SOMC, and then getting your ass handed to you the first 6 mos at Batt (if you make it this far) before worrying about Ranger School. If I were you, I’d head to armyranger.com and read as much as you can. Don’t post, because if you step on it on that board, you won’t make it out of RIP…
With that being said, if you have any specific questions about getting into Ranger BN, PM me. Good Luck.