Who Has a Meet Coming Up?

I am doing the USPA monster bash meet on Halloween. I am just doing normal conjugate training. I am doing a light band/chain wave before I start my circa-max cycle. I am looking to get 450/330/485 in the 16-17 age group, and 198 weight class. My best lifts in training are 430/315/465 at 17 years old, sitting around 195 at the moment.

As far as assistance/max effort work, just normal stuff. I’ve been doing a lot of overload work, partials, weaker stance/grip, etc for max effort, for assistance just lots of tricep and lat work, and shit to keep from losing mass in important areas (some shoulder/pec/bicep work), and a lot of single leg/glute work for my squats and deadlifts. Hit up my log if you want more info on the meet prep, training has been very chaotic because of school starting back up, and having to redo all of my summer homework at the last moment because of a schedule change. Also, lots of wrapped squats against various accommodating resistance/straight weight, etc. I have been trying to learn how to wrap properly and squat well with the wraps cranked down hard. I think I’ve succeeded in doing that.

I have my first meet coming up in early December. Raw meet, very nervous and don’t know what to expect but can’t wait to go. Doing Ed coan 12 week program I found online. Anyone have any advice on how to make squat stronger? I can almost bench more than I can squat for some reason. Embarrassing lol also what do you guys eat / drink the morning of the meet / throughout the day? Thanks

[quote]newfielifter wrote:
I have my first meet coming up in early December. Raw meet, very nervous and don’t know what to expect but can’t wait to go. Doing Ed coan 12 week program I found online. Anyone have any advice on how to make squat stronger? I can almost bench more than I can squat for some reason. Embarrassing lol also what do you guys eat / drink the morning of the meet / throughout the day? Thanks [/quote]

For me the biggest improvement came from squatting twice a week at alternating intensities, I.e one heavy, medium, one light. Also from time to time I mix in pause squats with a distinct puse at the bottom and some front squats. I wish I had that problem! My bench is my biggest weakness and most frustrating area. I have tried that program before and did enjoy it for bench. Normally weigh in the night before and eat buffet style and really carb up, with lots of pancakes in the morning.

Usually bring a big Gatorade and an energy drink for the bench and deadlift. I dont take anything before squats because of nerves. You’ll have a blast though and just enjoy the process!

[quote]EasternHammer wrote:
CT State Chamionships (USAPL) on November 8th. Looking to total ~1800.[/quote]

What class and raw or single ply?

[quote]newfielifter wrote:
Anyone have any advice on how to make squat stronger? I can almost bench more than I can squat for some reason. Embarrassing lol also what do you guys eat / drink the morning of the meet / throughout the day? Thanks [/quote]

Squat more often and work on your technique. Don’t get too caught up in all the assistance work selection and squat variations. Just squat heavy one a week and lighter once a week to work on your technique.

For food, eat what you know. Don’t do anything different. For me PB&J on wholegrain and Quest bars and sip on BCAAs works well. Breakfast as you normally would.

1 week out.

5-8 lbs heavy in the AM…

[quote]SteelyD wrote:
1 week out.

5-8 lbs heavy in the AM…


Greetings from the past.
Looking forward to your results (all of our results on here),and perhaps some vids.

Single ply, SHW. Looking for something like 700/500/600. Maybe a little more in the squat.

Competing at Raw Nationals October 17. Hoping to match/beat my previous total of 1,504 to qualify for the Arnold. All of my lifts have definitely increased since my last competition so I’m feeling pretty good at the moment.

I’ve been doing a modified 5/3/1 approach. Hitting 3-5 sets at the target rep instead of one max set, starting at 3 sets and increasing to 5 before increasing weight and dropping back to 3 sets. Assistance work is nothing fancy. Last two weeks right now have all assistance work cut out. I’ve always done well working up to my openers in the singlet the Wednesday before the meet and resting Thursday and Friday.

December 5th or 6th little SPF meet here in Clevelnad at the Grithouse. I am not going to peak for it, wont cut weight, and it will be my first meet with out wraps. I am hoping to hit about 90-95% of what I am wanting to hit in May. Not sure what I am good for really as I have been in wraps so long I am having a horrible time trying to relearn how to squat but managed a real easy 505 for 3 yesterday, easy 325 bench this week and very easy 585 deadlift. So if I could do all that on the platform for fun Id call it a relative success lol.

Then will take about 10 weeks to work on conditioning and grooving the squat. Then I will be competing with Amit in Florida May 28th at RPS Redemption.

[quote]denver z-man wrote:

[quote]SteelyD wrote:
1 week out.

5-8 lbs heavy in the AM…


Greetings from the past.
Looking forward to your results (all of our results on here),and perhaps some vids.

GPA Worlds in Athens, GA (10/10/2015)

Set GPA World Record Raw (wraps) Masters 242 Squat.

Squat: 622

Bench: 400 (technically didn’t count because side judges said my butt came off the bench slightly. Still locked it out). Didn’t bench for most of this year because of shoulder tear / biceps tendonitis. 400 redlighted but locked out. Previous lift was a good 375. At 400 I’m down 20lbs from December 2014, so this was a win for me.

Deadlift: 529

@Reed – Saw one of your GritHouse colleages there. She lifted the other day. Lot of good lifters from there.

It was awesome and humbling sharing the platform with Mr. 1040-squat Zahir Khudayarov. He’s a great guy. Massive.

He had a “light” day, opening squats with a paused 881 or something… :wink:

One coming up in 4 weeks. Hoping to squat 200kg, bench 130kg and deadlift 260kg.

Damn flu which required antibiotics showed up. Hopefully clearing up within a week.

Edit: cube strongman is the program.

Dam Beast Steely, that was awesome to watch!! Thanks for putting those up here.


Good luck everyone.

Wow very strong @steelyD. Okay question for you guys. How do you approach the day of weigh ins with what you eat and drink. I am 6 days out and weigh in Friday evening. I’m almost exactly 198 in the mornings if not a tad over so it’s not like I need to really cut any weight but don’t want to avoid food or water all day. Sorry second meet, so I’ve never really handled managing weight yet haha.