Who Grows a Fruit/Veg Garden?

I have done for years, but nowadays I stick to the high yield low effort ones: spinach, French beans, tomatoes, courgettes, and about a dozen herbs. Also lots of berries.

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I took a break from planting it for a few years but decided to go all out this year. I hope to get a return on the effort, but ya never know.

This as far as my production is. We have frost in the forecast for the next 3 nights.
I may buy a few thing over the week end but the rule here is to plant most stuff after the apple trees bloom. I get a week or 2 a head with the tunnel. But this year is just too cold.

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I like your setup of the raised beds and tunnels. I would like to do something like that for winter here, but have always been too lazy to get it done.

I helped a lady a few years ago that had a very nice raised bed set up with an elaborate watering system. All of her PVC pipe froze and cracked so I had to replace it all. I have been thinking about doing something like that since. She had 18 individual beds for her tomatoes and each one had it’s own water, I thought, damn that’s the way to go.

I am too lazy for the watering system as I need to drain everything for the winter.
Tunnel are easy, I use electrical tubing and rebars and plain construction tarp.

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I think this time is the best to start again.

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Not a veggie, but I think it’s pretty when it blooms, too bad it’s a pain in the ass…lol


Cholla. Very nice

We have a huge prickly pear but it is overwhelming at times. They can take over a yard

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I have plenty of those too, and we still have some barrel cactus here. I’ll have to go see if they blooming yet.

Talk about take over the yard. We have enough Century plants to take over the world…lol

We have SNOW!


If you ever want any, let me know!

Cacti is one of the few things I can’t kill. Even with a background in plant science I’ve never had a green thumb.

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Shhhhhh. You’ll jinx it. Mine are starting to come around. They’re about two inches high so far, with real leaves and not just the sprouts. I just threw in a few basil and parsley seeds in there. too.

Potatoes are also trucking along, hilled them up a bit after these pics.
Potatoes Onion May

Kiddo’s girlfriend (who’s been basically living with us) picked up a mini-greenhouse from Ikea - the “Socker”. About a foot tall, foot and a half wide. Her arugala popped up already, so that’s neat. She’s been asking me for advice… as if I know what I’m doing. :laughing:

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Looking good!

Brother-in-law helped put together garden boxes.


Look who I caught having breakfast.

I just love these guys, so pretty but so destructive.

And then there is this. A mystery vegetable.

I have never planted any squash/gourds in this area. It came up voluntarily so I am now curious about what it is. It’s a bush like a squash but doesn’t look like a squash. We’ll see!

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Just starting to harden my plants, the big beef tomatoes may not survive. Finally no more over night frost and warm ish temperature. I may plant at the end of the week.

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Mystery solved.

Acorn squash. Whichbis weird because I haven’t planted acorn squash but once and certainly nowhere near this came up… lol Nature, ya just never know.

We were blessed with 4 inches of rain of the last wèek.

I have a doe and a yearling thatvkeep jumping the fence for a midnight snack. I blame @studhammer for telling them! Lol

Going to the redneck mall (Tractor Supply) and pick up a fence charger, extend the posts with pvc pipe and put a hot wire around the top. We’ll see if that will discourage them. If not… I love backstrap :grin:

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I had to, I’ve got 20+ deer in my yard every night. LOL

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