[quote]Mikeyali wrote:
lixy wrote:
thunderbolt23 wrote:
Well, he could - that isn’t in dispute. The point is that larger priorities will occupy the President’s agenda, most likely, so choosing a President on that issue as a top priority, in my view, doesn’t make a lot of sense when considering the big picture.
Huh? The 2nd amendment is not top priority in your “view”? Well, I guess waging unconstitutional never-ending wars of aggression trumps that…
Damn Lixy, you’re really itching for a fight aren’t you? How about leaving that for a thread that calls for it eh?
What now? Are we supposed to keep silent while TB calls gun ownership a marginal issue?
The only politician besides Paul who truly supported gun owners rights was actually a democrat. Bill Richardson, who is no longer in the race, was a strong supporter of the second amendment. He also strongly supported New Mexico’s CCW statutes and possesses a CHL himself.
[quote]MC sp3 wrote:
The only politician besides Paul who truly supported gun owners rights was actually a democrat. Bill Richardson, who is no longer in the race, was a strong supporter of the second amendment. He also strongly supported New Mexico’s CCW statutes and possesses a CHL himself.
He is still in the republican race, though he obviously won’t win. I wouldn’t be surprised to see a third-party run, however. Perhaps the Constitution Party?
A vote for Keyes or the Constitution Party, and against McCain, will show Republican leaders that there is still a conservative voice out there, and we will not settle for psuedo-conservatives such as McCain.
A vote for Keyes or the Constitution Party, and against McCain, will show Republican leaders that there is still a conservative voice out there, and we will not settle for psuedo-conservatives such as McCain.[/quote]
It also may put Hillary or Obama in the White House. Is it worth it? You have a while to think about it before November.
A vote for Keyes or the Constitution Party, and against McCain, will show Republican leaders that there is still a conservative voice out there, and we will not settle for psuedo-conservatives such as McCain.
It also may put Hillary or Obama in the White House. Is it worth it? You have a while to think about it before November.[/quote]
In Kansas? No chance, the GOP has the state locked up, so I won’t hesitate to vote 3rd party if McCain gets the nomination, unless by some miracle he chooses a guy like Duncan Hunter to run with him.
If you live in a swing state, then you have a very good point.
A vote for Keyes or the Constitution Party, and against McCain, will show Republican leaders that there is still a conservative voice out there, and we will not settle for psuedo-conservatives such as McCain.
It also may put Hillary or Obama in the White House. Is it worth it? You have a while to think about it before November.
In Kansas? No chance, the GOP has the state locked up, so I won’t hesitate to vote 3rd party if McCain gets the nomination, unless by some miracle he chooses a guy like Duncan Hunter to run with him.
If you live in a swing state, then you have a very good point.[/quote]
For you in KS it is easy to vote your conscience. For me in PA the Republican nominee will need every possible vote to have a prayer. I am holding my nose this year before I vote.
Vote for whomever you like, but if you choose not to vote GOP, no need to worry about McCain’s 2d Amendment position - that won’t be the one pushed from the Oval Office.
On another note, to be perfectly frank, I am not entirely convinced that a number of gun-enthusiasts actually want a pro-second amendment administration.
Because if we elected a president that stoutly supported the freedom to bear arms and tried to get that into policy, what then? How can you be revolutionary and rebellious if the powers-that-be in the power suits in Washington actually agree with you?
No, I becoming more and more convinced that what is more important to these folks is not actually stronger gun freedoms, but being able to Rage Against the Machine of people trying to take away gun rights. As such, the wannabe-revolutionaries have a need in seeing someone hostile to the 2d Amendment in the White House because feeling cool and revolutionary is actually a higher priority than having their policy go mainstream.
After all, how cool and revolutionary can you be if everyone agrees with you? That is no fun - and it doesn’t serve the psychic needs of the wannabe-revolutionaries, which we know are quite demanding.
As for me, I want 2d Amendment freedoms to be mainstream and - wait for it - normal - I like open carry, some level of carry on campuses even, and a more fluid gun market, and we certainly aren’t going to get there with a left-liberal Democrat in office. But then ,I have no interest in defining myself as “rebellious” because, well, I grew up.
I’d be interested in hearing what has led you to this conclusion, Thunder. I can’t imagine any gun owner in his right mind actually hoping for a gun-unfriendly administration, just so he will have someone or something to rebel against.
[quote]Varqanir wrote:
I’d be interested in hearing what has led you to this conclusion, Thunder. I can’t imagine any gun owner in his right mind actually hoping for a gun-unfriendly administration, just so he will have someone or something to rebel against.
Have you personally met anyone like this?[/quote]
All the pro gun rebels here are saying they will not vote for McCain. The way our system works that is half a vote for Obillary.
That makes it seem to me they would rather bitch about things than actually do what it takes to keep the most anti second amendment candidates from getting elected.
I cannot even pretend to understand the motivation.
Where is this notion that the President runs the country coming from?
If that were the case, we would have privatized Soc Sec.
But Bush heard the rumblings from the left and dropped that issue like a hot potato.
True conservatism would benefit greatly from a democratic President.
And one more thing - how in the fuck do you pro-McCainers sit here and act like this sorry motherfucker isn’t going to re-write the constitution? He’s already done it with the 1st amendment, and if the wind blows just right, he will attack the 2nd.
He is a piece of shit, and the Republicans will get what they deserve if he is sworn in next January.
All the pro gun rebels here are saying they will not vote for McCain. The way our system works that is half a vote for Obillary.
That makes it seem to me they would rather bitch about things than actually do what it takes to keep the most anti second amendment candidates from getting elected.
I cannot even pretend to understand the motivation.[/quote]
I think Zap’s post is a good look into the problem.
You ask “Have you personally met anyone like this?” - do you mean, outside of these forums, which has plenty of examples?
I can’t imagine it either, which is why I have come to the conclusion I did - to dovetail on Zap’s point, Second Amendment enthusiasts around here are more interested in the “cut-your-nose-off-to-spite-your-face” politics that would actually give better electoral chances to politicians more opposed the Second Amendment.
That just ain’t smart - so there has to be another explanation. And given the juvenile yahooism we see over and over on the issue, I can’t come to a different conclusion.
I was raised in the rural South and I have been around guns all my life. I hunt and shoot for sport. I think gun ownership is integral to a culture of independence and conservation. I have a vested interest in protecting the Second Amendment, always have - so I damn sure don’t see the value in clinging to brainless idealism when there are legitimate candidates that can win that are hostile to the Second Amendment outright.
We have a horrible crop of candidates. The fact that anyone is giving Paul consideration is a perfect illustration of how bad things truly are.
We are going to take our lumps no matter who gets elected. I have never been a party politics guy but I usually vote Republican because the Republican candidate is usually the lesser of two evils.
If McCain’s judges won’t be conservative enough for you then how in the world can you allow Obama or Hillary get elected?
You have a few months to bitch and moan about it but when it comes to crunch time you better start thinking about reality.
This isn’t about Republicans deserving what they get or any of that shit, this is about what is best for our country. What is best for our country is not to let Hillary/Obama pack the courts with hostile judges.
[quote]thunderbolt23 wrote:
…I have a vested interest in protecting the Second Amendment, always have - so I damn sure don’t see the value in clinging to brainless idealism when there are legitimate candidates that can win that are hostile to the Second Amendment outright. [/quote]
You want to see the wolves - not see them in sheep’s clothing after the fact.
I have no faith in McCain. He is no different than Hillary, or Obama, IMO.
The fact that people like him have acquiesced the Republican Party down the shitter make me more fearful of him and his ilk than any Democrat.