Whiplash : Getting Jacked to be the Scary Dad

Thanks man. I’m gonna put it to good use

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Time for super squats !

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Ohp x 4x10
Upright row ss shrug x 4x10
Side raise ss face pull x 3 sets
Rear delt raise x 2 sets

Good mornings x 4 sets

Incline treadmill walk x 20 min


So for last night, I did legs, and all I really did was squats. A lot of squats. And I finished with sissy squats for a few sets. It’s been a while since I have done much for back squats but I’m glad I have the set up to do them again…they are one of my favourite exercises period


Haven’t updated in a little over a week…my bad…anyways, I’m sort of trying to prep this week for my race. Nothing too much different than what I have been doing, but still.

Cardio abs and biceps

20 min incline treadmill

Sit-ups x 50
Kneeling crunches x 50
Leg raise x 50

Barbell curl x 4 sets
Dumbbell curl x 4 sets


30 min incline treadmill

Good mornings 5 sets
Nordic ham x 2 sets
Back extension x 3 sets

Sit-ups x 60

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20 min incline treadmill

Barbell squat 5x3
Lunges 3 sets
Sissy squats 2 sets

Ab wheel x 30 reps

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Thursday night
So this was my final workout before my race on Saturday

Incline treadmill 45 min
Stretching 15 min

Obviously no weights…I wanted to be fresh(ish) come race day. With stretching i was focusing on my hips as they are usually tight. I’ll be working a half day more or less today, and then a 3 hr drive to get to the city for the race. Between tonight and tomorrow I’ll make sure to stretch out and be limber. This is a trail race, and the weather is supposed to be good. I’ll be doing it in my minimalist/barefoot shoes. I’ll weigh myself tomorrow morning as well just to see where exactly I’m at for race day. And then Sunday morning I am heading back, and in the afternoon sometime I’ll get in a good upper body workout.


Good luck at the race!


Thanks! I’m excited for it


Alright so here’s my write up for the race….so I did the “sport” edition of the race with my buddy, and it was about 7k. Trails, a lot of hills and there was a good chunk that was all single track. The nature of the single track did make it a little tricky to pass people, but we were more so doing it for fun rather than trying to be competitive. That said we did put in a decent effort too. The course overall was beautiful. There were some sick hills, and lots of narly roots, and it was beautiful weather too. It was also very well organized, and I would 100% do another event of theirs. Even the race swag was a little different…instead of the usual t-shirt that you get at a lot of races, they gave us a really nice training journal and a bag of this locally made fancy oatmeal stuff. I did tweak my hamstring a little bit between the 3-4km mark, but it wasn’t detrimental or whatever. Aside from all that, I don’t know the official time but we finished around 45 min I think. I will say, that doing a race while cutting was a little different of an experience for me. Not trying to make excuses or anything like that, but it did feel a little funky compared to years past when I was training and dieting specifically for a given race. Either way, it was a good time.


Congrats on gutting it out there dude! Sounds like it was an enjoyable time.

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Yeah it was a lot of fun. And it was nice to do a race with someone for a change.


Pull-ups ss seated overhead press x 4 sets
Face pull ss standing press x 4 sets
Leaning side raise ss bw row x 3 sets

15 min treadmill

Quick but good session.



Mow lawn

Heavy bag and treadmill work 20ish min

I will be lifting later on in the day, as well as some stretching. I am sort of working around some kind of a strain…it’s in my right glute not sure how I did it exactly. I find that I feel it most when I’m sitting and have my leg stretched out in front of me…so if anyone who reads this has any suggestions or ideas on that I’d appreciate it.


No lifting tonight…massage therapist gave me a once over in the areas that I seem to have somehow injured in one way or another…wish I knew what I did to be honest.


Best guess, you tweaked a joint in your lumbar spine. I say that because it hurts to sit and you add more nerve tension when you extend you knee. If it doesn’t get better in a few weeks I would see your favorite rehab professional of choice.

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Ok that’s good to know, thank you. Would you recommend any particular stretches or anything in the meantime?

I’ve found I can usually get a lot of good feedback from my massage therapist. They tend to be pretty good at finding the spots that need work, so then I’ll find ways to stretch those same areas at home.

What’s especially useful is leveraging their knowledge of some of the body’s weirder patterns. Like I had knee pain that got better with some groin stretches, and shoulder pain that got better with forearm stretches.

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Ok good to know. I have an appointment with my massage person for Monday as it is