Which Lift Is Your Cocaine?

just the look on people’s faces as they see me lifting more than them.

like today when some guy was doing pressdowns with 1/4th the stack

and i was doing bent extensions opposite of him with the stack and a 40 pound DB

any lift i do that makes peoples hearts sink and self-esteem disparage is my favorite exercise.

yeah theres some guys bigger than me at my gym theres a few stronger than me too but thats changing day by day.

Squats without question.

The best part is when you’re having a really good day, and the bar feels so light coming out of the rack that you have to question whether or not you forgot to add the last pair of 45’s to it. I love the rattle that the 45’s make after a few sets and the collars have loosened up a little.

Hang Clean!

[quote]Modi wrote:
Squats without question.

The best part is when you’re having a really good day, and the bar feels so light coming out of the rack that you have to question whether or not you forgot to add the last pair of 45’s to it. I love the rattle that the 45’s make after a few sets and the collars have loosened up a little.[/quote]

i miss that sound, the gym i go to uses hard rubber plates, they dont bounce like Oly plates but they dont rattle like oldschool iron

For me it’s whatever lift I’m progressing the most at. Right now, probably bench.

Strong words LMAO

What is best in life, Conan?

Behind the Neck Push Press at the minuite.

[quote]DoubleDuce wrote:
For me it’s whatever lift I’m progressing the most at. Right now, probably bench.[/quote]

If you have to use the word “probably”, then it’s not an addiction.

Behind the neck push press is def a big one too. It’s not quite the same craving, but it’s close.

curls…in the squat rack…

[quote]HolyMacaroni wrote:
curls…in the squat rack…[/quote]
Damn must be working for you, idk which ones scarier the shotgun or the “guns” lol!

[quote]HolyMacaroni wrote:
curls…in the squat rack…[/quote]

With 2.5’s at the end I hope. Cause that’s my second favourite lift.

nono, still at the bar. i’m hoping to get to 2.5’s soon though. it’ll be sicktight

[quote]jaybvee wrote:

LiveFromThe781 wrote:

any lift i do that makes peoples hearts sink and self-esteem disparage is my favorite exercise.

Strong words LMAO

What is best in life, Conan?

- YouTube [/quote]

haha awesome

[quote]Steel Nation wrote:
I am just addicted to lifting. My life revolves around it, and I think about my forthcoming training session all day while I’m at work. On days that I don’t lift, I am sad.

It’s not like cocaine, it’s more like meth or heroin.[/quote]

Exactly. I think about it when I’m falling asleep and I’m thinking about it when I wake up in the morning. All day long I’m thinking about different lifts and mentally breaking them down in my head into minute parts. Today it was filling my belly with air on squats. I thought about it all day and tonight in the gym squatting it was like magic.

It’s become more intense since starting to compete. I’ve tried describing the intense feeling of euphoria I get in competition that is like a drug.

As far as individual lifts go, it would have to be power cleans. I love the feeling of the bar in flight.

Fuck. I am so boring to hang out with.

Reverse Band Deadlifts

I get to use an insane amount of weight and pull it all the way from the floor.

Feels much more natural than rack pulls.

I don’t do them as often as I’d like but I really enjoy them.

I just started doing olympic front squats after not working my quads for 8 months due to injury. I’m weak as shit at them right now, but I’m hooked!

It varies, but deadlifts done from a small deficit are back on the menu regularily.

Lately, I also like benching with a lot of chain weight.

definitely deads. because 1.) it’s my best lift, and 2.) most people are shocked when they see them being done.

Forgot to mention rackpulls. Nothing beats seeing the reactions people have when you’re pulling 7+ plates for reps…

You can call me a junkie but I can’t go even a week without doing

back squat
front squat

at least once…

And at the same time I hate doing most of them (no not again…oh why can’t I just do curls or leg press instead…) before I’ve actually done them…afterwards the feeling is so good.